A in Baby sleep
8 month regression
Anyone else having to deal with the 7-10 month regression??? Did not know this was a thing because my other two didn’t have one this age but it’s hitting us hard with my baby. I’m so tired 🥲
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A in Baby sleep
Anyone else having to deal with the 7-10 month regression??? Did not know this was a thing because my other two didn’t have one this age but it’s hitting us hard with my baby. I’m so tired 🥲
Incognito in Postpartum symptoms
Should I be concerned that my baby’s hair isn’t growing? I think she’s going more bald. I want her to have hair so bad to be able to style it and my poor girl just got nothing. Anyone else have an 8 mos old who’s just not sprouting hair?! lol
S in Baby sleep
He wakes up at 1 am scream crying and has trouble going back to sleep, I have to hold him and lay him down in our bed for him to stay asleep, he struggles taking naps and it takes forever getting hum to bed at night I don't know I'd it's a regression, teething (he already has 2 teeth), or if it's growing pains, any ...
Incognito in Baby milestones
Anyone else’s 8 month old doing this?
Incognito in Breastfeeding
hey mamas my ebf baby just turned 8 months and v day is coming up and i literally have not had wine since 2023 🤯 hubby is taking us to a nice restaurant and i fear they will have my favorite wine and ill cave in so i would like to have some milk freezer ready in case i indulge but i have a problem 🫠 my baby has onl...