July 2024 Babies 🇬🇧

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S in Baby digestion


How are we all managing with weaning & pooping? My LB struggled with constipation and we offer water throughout the day, include fibre like pears / prunes etc but he still has pebble like poo

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Weaning on holiday

How is everyone weaning when on holiday? At home I usually make my LO’s meals which I cannot do whilst on holiday. Are we taking foods from home/ buying it abroad. Or just giving them what we are eating? X

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Does anyone else’s baby not seem to eat much?

We are doing blw as baby doesn’t like being fed puréed food and prefers feeding himself but I feel like he mostly just plays around and ultimately only eats a couple of spoonfuls. His milk feeds are increasing as he’s very active and clearly not getting much from the solids. We’re usually feeding twice a day

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Incognito in Baby sleep


How many naps a day do your little ones have?

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Final wake windows

Is anyone else finding the last wake window before bed extremely painful at the moment? My girl is super whingy as soon as she wakes up from her last nap and it’s so hard to keep her entertained. She also can’t stay up as long as she should be or was doing, I’m putting her to bed after only 2 hours because I feel li...

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