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For anyone who could use some new friends

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E in Motherhood

🐇 Meanwhile in motherhood... 🐰

Teacher: what do your parents work as? My 7yr: my mum works as Miss Rabbit from Peppa Pig *The teacher turns head towards me in confusion* Me: *sigh* I work 3 jobs 🤷🏾‍♀️ Classroom: *absolute silence , my kid begins to laugh*

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Y in Other

I feel tired.

“The kind of tired that sleep doesn't fix. The kind that makes my body feel like a place I used to live. Like I'm burrowing into it for the day but don't quite belong there anymore. My feet move, but I don't remember telling them to. It's like I'm just being pulled forward by the day, by routine, by whatever it is t...

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S in Weekend plans


How’s everyone’s Friday night going?? 😊😊

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Incognito in Family

In laws

I’m wondering if anyone has the same issue as me. I feel like my mother in law keeps overstepping the boundaries. My husband calls her 4/5 times per week with my 11 month old daughter. I find it too much and very controlling. He was adopted by her and I really am trying to be empathetic but most of the time it feels...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

R in Local recommendations

Need new friends

Hi ladies, I am mum of 2 under 2 it’s so hard finding new friends that fits with my life style. I am from England in Essex. I have so many friends but who are not mums

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