April Babies 2024

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April Babies 2024.

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T in Postpartum symptoms

Hair loss

Any else have hair loss after having their baby? My hair is coming out in clumps. Any remedies?

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Incognito in Other

Tummy time and head holding

Hi! My LO is 12 weeks. He is shooting through language skills (he started blowing raspberries and does not stop babbling at us/toys!), however we are still very much in trenches in terms of tummy time. When sat on the knee, he controls his head well enough (I think), but he simply does not engage in tummy time. He w...

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Incognito in Other

Sitting with support already ?

Anyone else’s 10 week old already trying to sit? , she’s constantly screaming unless sat up or helped standing (with full support with the standing) any advice on calming and or soothing her without doing this as constantly holding and standing with her gets exhausting and I’m unable to do basic household chores

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J in Breastfeeding

Bottle type for breastfed baby?

What type of bottle do you feel your baby who had been exclusively breastfed? Since returning to work my baby is having a hard time with bottles when away from me. He’s taken them before but not as often now. We’ve tried dr browns, avent, and evenflo so far.

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B in Baby sleep

5 week old hard to get to sleep

We’re really struggling to get our 5 week old to go back to sleep after a feed and a bum change. She has a wake window of 3 hours some times not all the time. But when she’s awake for 3 hours even though from 40/1hr Iv been trying to get her to go back to sleep. Once she is a sleep she sleeps heavy and is a good s...

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