Incognito in Baby milestones
Non-stop whining and screaming
It's never ending. He quite literally doesn't stop screaming. He maybe has some good days, but everything sets him off. I seriously don't know what to do anymore.
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Incognito in Baby milestones
It's never ending. He quite literally doesn't stop screaming. He maybe has some good days, but everything sets him off. I seriously don't know what to do anymore.
Incognito in Baby milestones
Help a mama out please!! My first born daughter never had them. My son however is 2 a week on Tuesday, and all I can say is wow!!! Where did these come from??? He's full on started throwing himself on the floor, hitting things, throwing things, screaming, getting cross etc. Like where have I gone wrong?? How ...
Incognito in Aww
My little boy has always been a daddys boy loves cuddling him gets excited when he sees him stuff like that but these past 2 weeks he’s been really showing a preference for him, on a morning he’ll cry if it’s me getting him up but will happily go to his dad last night was worse my partner was called out to work and ...
Incognito in Skin conditions
Has anyone faced this type of skin issue before ? Baby is 22 months old and has this all over the skin . It’s itchy and increasing every day .
Incognito in Baby milestones
My son is 2 in March but doesn’t really talk. He’ll say mumbles of mama and the odd mumble of a word here and there but he is not talking. He understands a lot and dose a lot (independently) though and communicates with pointing whilst saying “humm, humm” or sometimes gives me his book with pictures of different thi...