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Incognito in Baby sleep

Toddler not sleeping until 10 even if wakes up earlier

It’s been 2 weeks since i have adjusted my toddler’s schedule. Before she was waking up 9am, nap 1-3, and sleep at 10:30. Now she wakes up at 8 to 8:15 naps at 12:30-2 (only 1.5 hours now) shortened nap but she still doesn’t fall asleep until close to 10. I’m hoping to have an earlier bedtime any advice?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Family


So my partner stays at home as he WFH and takes care of our daughter. I’m considering putting her in daycare as I feel like she has no structure. It’s like she runs around crazy and throwing tantrums. I feel like it’s my fault as I have a demanding job outside of the house and that I need to be home more to teach he...

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C in Baby sleep

Transition from Cosleeping

So I'm pregnant with baby number 2, and our toddler still sleeps in our bed at night. He has since about 8 months old. Truth be told he has always been a really terrible sleeper, and I've become used to the exhaustion. But with a new baby on the way, we really need our almost 2 year old to start sleeping through th...

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  • C

M in Baby digestion

Toddler Constipation

Hi ladies! Anyone’s else’s LO suffer from some serious constipation? We have to be on a regiment of miralax otherwise he needs a suppository. As we know toddler diets are hard because some days they’ll eat everything and others survive on milk and snacks. If so, what’re we doing to help? I haven’t had him seen yet...

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A in Common illness

Toddler has influenza A

My toddler is almost 2 unfortunately she tested positive for influenza A which she got from me do any mamas know how to deal with this? We took her to the er because she had a very high fever they just said to alternate between Tylenol and Motrin

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