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Incognito in Baby sleep

Does you little one have a dummy?

If yes, when are you thinking about weaning it off her/him?

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Toddler only eats a few foods

He's so picky at the moment. He never used to be so I'm hoping it's just a phase. But trying to get him to eat anything is so difficult. He only eats certain food, but he'll eat a lot of it. For example for tea I made a roast chicken, with roast potatoes and veg. He only wanted the potatoes but he ate loads of them...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Childcare

Nursery funding 30 hours come September

Does anyone have any info/help. My child is 2 in June, and in Sept heā€™s entitled to 30 hours funding (he currently has 15 hours). The problem is come September I am doing a 1 year course to become a teacher so it means Iā€™m not ā€œworkingā€ so not entitled to the 30 hours even tho Iā€™ll be in a school Monday-Friday but...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby & toddler food

MIL knows better than doctors

Curious to know how others would react and feel about a MIL like mine. Thereā€™s a long history of her over stepping boundaries and being disrespectful and I mostly bite my tongue to keep the peace but she crossed the line yesterday. My son has had to see a dietitian and a gastroenterologist who we are very lucky i...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

What can I take

I'm always feeling tired and no energy. What can I take to help? My diet is good, I exercise but I just feel tired all the time. Is it zinc or vit b or iron I'm sure I read somewhere lacking of vitamins do this x

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