March 2023 Babies 🇨🇦

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B in Early pregnancy symptoms


Anyone else pregnant again ? It's a lot harder this round for me personally chasing a toddler. I was put on medication for my nausea which I didn't need with my little Delilah. But wondering if anyone experienced a lot of pink discharge in their first trimester. I've been having pink spotty discharge almost this who...

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Incognito in Family

Daycare or stay at home with grandma

I need some outlook what’s better for my 16 month old. We just got a spot open up for daycare which we have been waiting for a while but at the same time my mil is now retiring to help watch her as I go back to work. I want my daughter to go to daycare as I think it will help her grow and be around other kids but m...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Baby sleep

Anyone's babies fighting going to nap or bedtime?

My LO used to just drift off so easily and now she cries and cries and shakes her head before passing out. I'm with her the whole time, trying to soothe her but she's not having it.

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Nursing to sleep

Hi everyone, I’ve always held, rocked and fed my almost 16 month old to sleep which has been great and worked for us but now he’s suddenly wanting to be latched most of the night, and needs to nurse to resettle. He’s not actually drinking just soothing, it’s keeping me awake and not allowing him a settled sleep (we ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

G in Other

Demoralizing Doctor's Appointment

Long Post! We took our 15 months old (soon to be 16 ) to the pediatrician for a wellness check. And like always we're highly demoralized and worried 😟 He has this weird way of talking that feels so judgemental and incompetent as parents. We're first time parents of a lovely boy who also happen to be immigrants her...

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