August 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Baby milestones

To Boy mums

Does your baby talk? My LO dosent really say anything apart from Dada. He babbles a lot and makes noises. He can make sounds if we try to encourage him but tlhat's about it. My daughter could say sooo many things when she was this age. Not sure if this is just a boy thing in that their speech develops a bit later or...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Found out I’m pregnant today

Anyone in the same boat? How are you feeling I am absolutely terrified and stressed!! I dont know how to feel about this 😭

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones


Hey, has anyone's little one ever get so upset/hysterical screaming and crying, kicking and flapping? My lg seems to get upset at times but nothing will calm her when she gets that bad, yesterday it was 2.5 hours of hysterical screaming and crying nothing stopped her, I actually thought she could be in pain, she end...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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A in Other

How do you cope when you’re unwell

What do people do when they’re sick and on their own with LO ? I’ve got d&v and my partner works 6am-6pm. She’s watched a lot of TV today because I’m too ill to entertain her !

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R in Other

Lego/Duplo Storage

Our Duplo collection is quickly growing and it no longer fits in the box the original set came in for Christmas. What's everyone's favourite storage solutions for this? We don't have space for any more furniture like the Ikea Kallax or Trofast so it would need to be some sort of box.

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