August 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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August 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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H in Baby & toddler food


I sometimes worry if our 16 month old is getting enough to eat at mealtimes. He is happy to sit in the highchair for a good while and eats reasonably well. I usually start with a small portion of pasta or whatever and add to it if he seems to enjoy it. Then he'll have something else on the side like bread/garlic bre...

  • H
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  • H

Incognito in Baby sleep


Is anyone elses 16 month old refusing to nap? He definitely isn’t ready to drop it because he will go so tired at around about 4pm if he doesn’t have one but all he does is play in his cot and refuse to sleep even though he’s absolutely shattered. We had the same battle yesterday and he didn’t have one but we put h...

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Incognito in Single parents

Disgusted and heartbroken

Yesterday I saw my partner/baby's dad spit at two Indian women on the street. I was completely shocked, disgusted, furious. He didn't realise I had seen him do it and I went off at him and we had a huge argument about it and haven't spoken since. I'm so fucking confused and upset. I've been with him for 12 years...

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J in Childcare

Funded childcare hours!

I went on and applied for the code to register for the funded hours because the nursery finally have a space for my daughter, it accepted me and gave me a code then I just received a message on there saying im not eligible because I receive universal credit!? I work part time and receive universal credit, but im cer...

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Incognito in Other

16 month old still wakes up

My 16 month old wakes up at night to come into our bed. I try put him back down he just stands up and screams. I’m beyond exhausted. I’m back at work and me and my partner now sleep in separate rooms because of this. Does anyone have any tips?

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