May 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Baby sleep

Extending morning sleep

My toddler sleeps through the night great but over the last few months he’s been waking up between 5-5:30 rather than his typical 6-6:30. It’s killing me! Mostly because I need that extra 30 minutes to prepare for the day. He usually is quietly playing or standing in his bed, but sometimes he cried out and I have 2 ...

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Incognito in Other

How to get past Preeclampsia trauma!!

My daughter is going to be 2 soon and I really want to give her a sibling but my first pregnancy was so hard due to early preeclampsia which turned severe and then hospitalization for 2 weeks, a premature baby in NICU. It scares me to even think of another hospitalization and NICU experience. How do I move past this...

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  • Incognito
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B in Other

Is it safe to dye my hair

I’m 25 weeks pregnant I really want to dye my hair for my birthday I feel so ugly this pregnancy. Any advice on dying hair while pregnant?

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Incognito in Family

What would you do?

I'm 36, almost 37 weeks pregnant. I'm scheduled for delivery here in just a couple of weeks for a c-section. My daughters second birthday is May 17th. I don't want her to be without a birthday party. My husbands side of the family is rather large. It's a big invite list. We will have a 2 month old. I worry about t...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

I miss my baby girl

My mom asked for her grand baby for the night. It's nothing new to us. She lives her mimi and their nights together. When she asks, we usually say yes. But whyyyy does tonight feel so hard?? She's only about 15 minutes away. I miss my baby SO much. I keep looking over at the baby monitor, but she's obviously not in ...

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