Incognito in Baby products
High chair
Anyone’s LO still using high chair to eat? I can barely get mine to sit in it for dinner. Breakfast and lunch, she’s usually playing and I have to feed her.
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Incognito in Baby products
Anyone’s LO still using high chair to eat? I can barely get mine to sit in it for dinner. Breakfast and lunch, she’s usually playing and I have to feed her.
T in Baby sleep
We were at a friend's house today, about an hour away and when nap time came, my son started getting fussy so we packed up and left soon after. We packed some snacks and toys to keep him entertained during the car ride, but nothing worked for putting him to sleep in the car. When we got home and put him down in his ...
Incognito in Teething
Hi! Have any of your little ones had a canker sore? My son has one on his bottom lip. We thought his teeth were hurting because he kept saying “hurt” and pointing to his mouth so we checked and it looks like a canker sore. But I’ve never had one and I don’t know how to help him so it doesn’t hurt and so that he ca...
Incognito in Breastfeeding
What are your 20 month olds drinking? Mine is still on just whole milk and water
N in Baby milestones
My 20 month old says about 10 -15 words can point at things attempts to count to three understands when he wants something open knows what bye bye means is this normal development for his age or is he behind???