July 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Baby digestion

Diaper change concern

So my son is almost 2 and I’ve noticed for the past past 2 months now he’s really fussy during diaper changes he kicks and cries as if he has a bad diaper rash but when I go to check him he has nothing. Just wondering if anybody else is dealing with this or has dealt with it because it’s starting to be really heavy ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Skin conditions

What is this?

Please help… what does this look like. Impetigo? Just popped up in my baby’s face this morning. Wasn’t there last night, currently her dad and I have ringworm because he got it from the gym and spread it to me, I don’t think this looks like ringworm but it could be a start? Idk. Help

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K in Family


I watch my niece, she is 7 months. My son really struggles to share his toys. He’s 20 months. He does great if it’s something that she brought from home he will happily give it to her when she drops it. I am conflicted on if it’s best to force him to share his stuff or have designated his and hers toys at this age. ...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Is your baby talking?

I feel like my son should be saying more words by now. He’s 20 months

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Incognito in Other

Baby bottles!

Please help a mumma out! How did you get your toddler off the baby bottles please? He still has at bed time and he has just started biting the teat and has broke one, so I feel the time is now right? He’ll be 2 in July. Any suggestions of what bottles you have put your toddlers on? He refuses to have a hard spo...

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  • Incognito
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