September 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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V in Birth control

Is this normal ??

I have been taking birth control for a month I got my period but it was a light period now my period lasted 10 days … before birth control it would last 6 days and I had a really heavy flow ….the reason I got on it was so I can get a light period and not last long like that well I got off birth control after my peri...

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T in Parties & celebrations

Growing up so fast

15 months just like that ♥️♥️♥️

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C in Baby & toddler food

15 Month Old Refusing To Eat

Hello! My toddler is usually a hungry HUNGRY baby. He eats everything (even with only his two teeth), real food especially. We just started teaching him independent eating and now he's regressing. He no longer wants to eat his favorite foods, literally spits it out the minute it touches his mouth. He turns his head ...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding


I’m so fucking over breastfeeding. My 15 month old is no where near weaning no matter how much I try. She uses her teeth to latch and it’s hugely uncomfortable for me because she doesn’t learn not to even if I take her off. I’m seriously over it.

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Incognito in Baby milestones

He doesn’t care if we tell him no

Ok so maybe this is a part of having a one year old but he doesn’t listen. Like at all… he’s such a sweet baby and he’s usually pretty easy going but he laughs at us if we tell him no. I’m also a teacher and I have a pretty good “teacher voice” so it’s not like I’m not being firm. I just want him to get that we’re n...

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