A in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
Pregnant 🤰
2 under 2 is going to be a wild ride due early September any other mamas going through the same ❤️
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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester
2 under 2 is going to be a wild ride due early September any other mamas going through the same ❤️
Incognito in Other
My boy is 15 months old and doesn’t drink from a bottle/Sippy cup. He still breastfeeds. I am keen on starting bottle / Sippy cup for him. Any suggestions???
D in Other
Any other babies constantly have bright red cheeks? His cheeks have been this way ever since he was born. Doesn't seem to both him, no fevers when they're red, just super duper bright.
Incognito in Other
It’s now 4am. I’ve been up since 1:30am trying to get my baby back down and the teething is relentless. Just gave up and gave Tylenol for the first time ever and waiting for him to fall asleep. :( teething is so brutal and feels like it goes on forever but these molars are by far the worst.
Incognito in Baby & toddler food
My son turned 15 months today. He Is EBF along with solids 3 times a day. He feed about 3-4 times in the day before and after naps. He usually nurses to sleep. For past few days he has been biting me a lot and cries and screams. Is it because he doesn’t get enough from me now and is still hungry.? I have been failin...