October 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Other

Vacay with toddler?

Anyone have suggestions of whats a good vacation. In ohio and want to escape the cold but my ideas of a vacation is either hiking in the mountains or drinking on the beach at an all inclusive(the ones I’ve gone to before are adult only resorts)Whats a good vacation to being a 16 month old ?

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h in Baby milestones

somebody pls fucking help

all my son does is SCREAM AT THE TOP OF HIS FUCKING LUNGS. anything i tell him “no or stop” HE DOES THAT. OVER AND OVER AND OVER EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. if i pick him up he HITS ME. all i do is yell at him. literally. all day. im yelling “STOP IT!!” literally all fucking day.

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Incognito in Baby sleep

I need help with sleep

My son is 17 months and has never slept well. I co sleep with him and he wakes up every hour or two. I can’t leave his side all night even to go to the bathroom. I have to take him with me if I need to go, literally. I can’t even change or wash my face before bed. He wakes up at 5:30am. He has a nighttime routine an...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleeping through the night

My 16 month old is still struggling sleeping through the night. I have stopped night feedings and refrained from picking him up every time he cries so he could learn to self soothe but he sleeps for 4 hours in his crib and then wake up every hour for the rest of the night. Any tips to get him to sleep through the ni...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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A in Pregnancy scans

Phantom kicks or cryptic pregnancy?!

I feel like I’m going crazy, I had some phantom kicks postpartum but nothing like what I’ve been having recently. I’ve taken pregnancy test everything is negative, I’m having pregnancy symptoms like crazy and I’ve gonna to the hospital a few months back for extreme cramping they said I’m not pregnant but everything ...

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