October 2023 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Trying for a baby


Does anyone currently have a child with chickenpox?

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty training

Im a first time mom of an almost 18 month old boy and I’m not sure when I should begin potty training he’s not really showing signs yet except pulling at his diaper trying to get it off I have a pitty chair already but he has no interest in it other then the flush sound it make what are some tips or tricks to teach ...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

First dental appointment

Hello! When did you take your child for their first dental visit? My son is 17 months old, and I am trying to make his first appointment. Mine is HMO insurance, and the pediatric dentist is asking for a regular dentist referral. Do regular dentists see a 17 month old? He does not have any oral issues, just trying t...

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Incognito in Pregnancy symptoms

Favorite humidifier??

Our humidifier won’t turn on but I hated it anyway. Too big and clunky. Babe came down with a cold all the sudden. The boogers are crazy. What’s your favorite brand?! Hopefully it will last longer than mine did lol

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B in Baby products

Bottle washer

Being that im on second baby I’ve never wanted anything more then a bottle washer 😂 Nothing is worse then washing bottles but now I have a toddler on top of that 😩😩 please why are they so expensive

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