December 2023 Babies 🇬🇧

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H in Common illness

Feveral convulsion

Has anyone delt with LO having a feveral convulsion well of what i think it is he had a very high temp over night i looked back on the camera in his room to see how he got on as i didnt hear anything and one of the clips he looks like hes having a fit.. He went to a&e in the day and they couldnt really give me an an...

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Incognito in Travel with kids

Dos and don'ts for taking toddler abroad

We're going abroad in May and I'm feeling so anxious about it because my 16 month old is everywhere and into everything. Any helpful tips please things for the plane to keep him quiet and happy. Any small toys, tips for the sun and heat, anything about 4 of us in one room. Just anything that is helpful and things yo...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby milestones

Is your little one walking yet?

My little one is 16 months, and has taken the odd few steps but isn’t fully walking! I feel like she should be walking by now or am I just worrying for no reason?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Sleep & tiredness


My emotions are all over the place and I feel super sad/angry/annoyed for a few days and then have days of feeling happy/energetic again. I hate the way I feel and look a lot of the time. My hair is always greasy, I have no boobs, my bum is flat, my clothes feel horrible on me I could leave my phone for a week an...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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A in Common illness

Anyone else’s child still constantly ill from nursery?

We’ve been going since early Jan (with settling in sessions in Dec), it’s cold after cold after cold, conjunctivitis and tonsillitis so far. To say I’m tired is an understatement 😂 when will it get better/easier?!

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