October 2024 Babies 🇬🇧

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Z in Pumping

Weaning off of formula top ups

Did anyone wean their breastfed babies off of formula top ups at night and how did you do it? FYI we also give expressed milk at night while I am having some sleep. So we would give depending on how much I pumped 100-120 ml of my milk and then some 40-70 ml max Aptamil. Thank you!

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C in Other


My baby has always been a bit sicky after feeds but we've not worried as he is still putting in weight quickly. However, he will sometimes be sick a lot and then be fine. I'm talking sick once but the amount you would be sick when you have a bug and needing to change everything including our bed sheets. Is this norm...

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Incognito in Baby digestion

Night time poo struggles

Does anyone else's baby spend some nights straining loudly for poos. No difference to how much she is winded. No signs of constipation, but whilst asleep in the next to me she will loudly strain during active sleep

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Incognito in Family

7 week old colic struggles

My baby is 7 weeks old today and since 2 weeks he has struggled with suspected colic. We have had probably 2 days where he has been chilled out, the rest he screams during feeding, when not feeding and during nappy changes. I’m fed up with people telling us this is a phase and don’t understand how we are meant to ge...

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S in Baby digestion

Babies pooping habits

Does anyone else find their baby goes 3-4 days plus without a poo and then you get a poo explosion? He is 7 weeks, just wondering how many days not pooing is normal and when I should be worried/get it checked out?

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