July 2024 Babies 🇺🇸

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D in Pumping

Milk dry up

Hey ladies, How do I know my milk is dried up or I’m done producing? My baby stopped taking boob at six months. I been exclusively pumping. I would originally pump about 6oz total each session. Now it’s dropped to 1oz total and my boobs don’t hurt like they used to before. But when I pump I still produce milk. She’...

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A in Pumping

Is it normal no milk

I'm pumping again and I'm not getting no milk at all I'm doing pp and I'm not getting no milk is that normal

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S in Other

Tilting head

Hi everyone, My baby has started tilting her head to both sides. At first, I thought it was adorable, but as it became more frequent, I started to get concerned. According to Google, most cases of head tilt are associated with torticollis. However, in rare instances, a head tilt can be due to other causes, such as...

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A in Baby sleep

Sleep training

Help 😭😭😭 my baby is almost 8 months and still waking up 7-8 times at night. Often every 30-45 min (sleep cycle I assume) Crying. And I have to give boob to calm him down. Pacifiers don’t work… he just wouldn’t take it at night. I want to start sleep training but it seems like all involved crying out… I don’t wanna d...

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G in Baby milestones


My little one is crawling! Born 7/22 Does anyone else feel that they just need to stop growing up? 😭😭

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