NICU/Preemie Mamas

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NICU/Preemie Mamas

A space for moms with little NICU warriors. Born before 37 weeks with a stay in the NICU. Because sometimes you just need someone else to GET IT.

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C in Baby digestion

Gas after coming home

Did anyone else's babies have really bad gas after they got home from the NICU? My twins are 10 weeks old and they were 8 weeks premature. They are constantly grunting and arching their backs and uncomfortable. Having difficulty passing gas and sometimes burping is difficult too. They were never fussing the NICU tho...

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S in Work & money

PPROM help & advise

Currently at 23 weeks and facing some complications—a cervical stitch that didn’t work, broken waters, and cervical dilation. We’re in a waiting game right now and I’d really appreciate reassurance and advice from anyone who’s been through something similar. I had my first set of steroid injections this week to help...

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C in Baby milestones

Is this normal?

My identical twin boys were born at 35w3d and they came home from the NICU 2.5 weeks later. They absolutely hate being handled. One of them in particular screams excessively during diaper changes, when getting dressed/undressed, when in his bassinet, and cries when picked up or moved. He’s only soothed when he reali...

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Incognito in Signs of labor

Early water break

Hi! What was it like for those whose waters broke early? I had a 33 week baby previously and mine was a pop with a big gush once I stood up and then continues trickle I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant and I felt a pop but no gush and no trickle so not sure how panicked I should be

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food


Hey, was just hoping for some suggestions on best foods to start baby on when weaning? Preferably not the pre-made foods, I’d prefer to blend home made food His currently 5 1/2 months but defo ready for food now… Also if you could recommend a good blender x

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