Miscarriage, Pregnancy lost & Child loss

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Miscarriage, Pregnancy lost & Child loss

A space for mamas who have experienced loss. Come here to vent, share your thoughts and anything you need to get off your chest. Grieving a loss/losses, is a process. Let’s be here for each other♥️

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W in Other

iMessage support

Who wants to join an iMessage group to vent and support women who have lost a child or have had a miscarriage.

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R in Other

Subchorionic Hemorrhage

I went into the ED for bleeding scare this morning. Nothing heavy but had to change my liner a few times. Ultrasound still found the heartbeat and sac and measuring around 6w3d. They said it was a subchorionic hemorrhage.. and can be at risk for a miscarriage given it’s happening this early on. Anyone been through t...

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A in Miscarriage

Blighted ovum success stories?

Hi all! I am approx 8 weeks pregnant and spotted a few days ago which prompted an initial trans abdominal scan. Much to our dismay this showed an empty gestational sac 😓 measuring about 7w6days (30mm). I’ve been told to await a natural miscarriage. The spotting has now stopped however. I suffer from PCOS and hence i...

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m in Miscarriage

Period after miscarriage

How long after a miscarriage do u get your next period and if you has sex whilst waiting for your period is there a chance I could be pregnant again 🤔

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C in Pregnancy test results

Feeling depressed

I should be 9 weeks and 3 days pregnant today and I’m emotional today that I’m not. I think because I got a negative today and all I want is to get a positive… 💔😓

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