Incognito in Other
1 yo Well visit.
How did it go for you and your babies? How many shots they got? How much they weight? I’m a little scared of the MMR vaccine and I can’t find the courage to take him today
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Incognito in Other
How did it go for you and your babies? How many shots they got? How much they weight? I’m a little scared of the MMR vaccine and I can’t find the courage to take him today
V in Baby sleep
I put my baby down in his crib every night, but after the first time he wakes up once I’m in bed, I take him into my bed and we co sleep and he wakes up about every 2 hours for feedings (EBF). Tonight he’s suddenly sleeping the whole night so far in his bed- it’s 1:20am- and I can’t sleep!! I miss him so much. I kep...
N in Other
How are you getting your baby to drink milk out of a straw cup and what straw cup does your baby like? My baby is now 1 and has been drinking water out of a straw cup for a few months. However, she refuses milk out of a straw cup. I’ve bought 6 straw cups lol she pushes all of them away.
M in Baby milestones
Hi everyone! First time mama here. My little guy just turned 1 on 11/5 and I need some advice! Not sure if I should be worrying or not! He hasn’t really said any words yet he does say mama and dada alot but I don’t believe in the right context. I THINK he is trying to say kitty cat and dog but he knows if I say wher...
X in Other
How are your babies drinking??did you start off with open cups, or did you transition into sippys/or straws? I want to start my 12 month old on open cups. I went from bottle to straw, then sippy. Now he drinks from a heavier thermos (calpak type), but ive noticed he doesnt really tilt his head back good to sip.