Surviving the Narcissist

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Surviving the Narcissist

This group is for women who are dealing with narcissistic partners/friends/family/co workers or who have survived narcissistic partners/family/friends/co workers♥️. Not judgemental! Use this space to vent and cool off.

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Incognito in Legal

Give up custody

What would happen if I gave up custody of my toddler daughter. To the father. I'm tired of being taken to court and threats of being taken to court. I'm at my breaking point. I'm crying all day thinking about all the possible ways I've tried to parent with him. It's not about him paying child support because his dis...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Relationships

I want courage to leave

I won’t bore you with details of all the things that have been happening lately. But I know I’m with a Narcissist, I have been planning to leave the marriage after the baby is born (currently in the second trimester). I’m fed up with how he is treating me since I got out of hospital a few days ago & creating a mes...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Other

I did it

I left. Was with my ex for two years, we thankfully didnt have kids together but i have kids and so does he, so we were a blended family. He was awful and my friends begged me to leave. And Wednesday i did. And tonight i shared it on social media for my gofundme and im terrified but i know inhad to share it to...

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Incognito in Other

beginning of the start

I needed a car to start planning my escape, he didn’t want to buy it and put it on my name telling me “are you planning to leave or what” 😂 bro yes. today I won, he bought me a car on MY name and paid cash for it im so so surprised but you know why i did won? because few weeks ago i accept that he was a narcissist...

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Incognito in Other

Narcissistic alcoholic

My partner is a huge narcissist. When he drinks he is truly vile. He loves to sit and hurl abuse about my family to me, anything wrong I’ve ever done, say I’m a bad mother, zero emotional support from him about anything. He goes on and on at me. Every name under the sun. Basically I don’t have a partner. I’m really ...

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