breast-feeding and formula feeding support

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breast-feeding and formula feeding support

a group where we can all talk about the struggles of breastfeeding (why do you do it? why dont you?) without shame. weather your full time breastfeeding or full time formula feeding or even if you've got tips on how to do it or want to offer support then join in!

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Incognito in Other

Portable bottle warmer recommendations?

My baby uses the lansinoh bottles!

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L in Breastfeeding

Successful weaning off boob

Bubs just over 13 months. Fed in morning, late arvo and before bed. 1-3 overnight. Hes a brilliant eater and enjoys cows milk with a sippy cup. I will not introduce a bottle. What feeds would you drop first to successfully wean? Or other tips? With this amount if feeds not sure cold turkey would work? But would love...

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A in Pumping

Going back to work and pumping question

Hey all, I’m going back to the office 1 full day and 1 half day per week, baby will be turning 10 months. Do I need to be pumping when she would usually have a milk feed? Or rather when I feel engorged? Thank you!

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Incognito in Pumping

No milk

I just pumped and nothing came out. I'm trying not to panic. Could my milk have dried up?? I pump a couple of times a day. Baby mainly has formula but was on the breast for around an hr this morning (alternating each breast) despite what I think may be a shallow latch. Has this happened to anyone and your milk has ...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Co sleeping

I have a breastfed 1 and a half year old who still co sleeps. Any tips on getting her to sleep in her own bed?

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