breast-feeding and formula feeding support

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breast-feeding and formula feeding support

a group where we can all talk about the struggles of breastfeeding (why do you do it? why dont you?) without shame. weather your full time breastfeeding or full time formula feeding or even if you've got tips on how to do it or want to offer support then join in!

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Wanting more milk

Baby is 3 weeks old, weighing 6lb (3 weeks early) she is taking 120ml every 2 hours but she keeps looking for more, don’t know if it’s a comfort thing as she’s had an off day today, do I feed her more or leave it because of how small her stomach is?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding


My baby is 5 days old and he took to the breast really well 3 days ago, he struggled at first. However now my milks come in, yesterday he managed absolute fine and was on the breast every 2 hours for half an hour however today he’s struggling. He will latch on but not suck? And he’s taking a while to latch on he jus...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Baby sleep

7 week old constantly feeding evening/night- normal?

Hi all, My daughter has just gone 7 weeks old. For about a week or so she's been feeding very frequently in the evenings say from 5/6pm until 11pm-midnight. She will come off the breast for 10-20 minutes then appear ravenous again wanting to feed. She can be feeding from one boob for up to 40 minutes then I swap he...

  • J
  • J
  • J

b in Other


im currently breastfeeding and formula feeding(one-two bottles a day) my baby eats a bunch but he’s just a growing boy! i have noticed a decrease in my milk supply and i know i should be pumping it is just hard sometimes, im getting a portable hands free pump but are there any tips to increase my milk supply. i am t...

  • b
  • b
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1 likes,11 comments

s in Other

My baby refuses to burp

My son is almost a month old, he is Comb fed. Formula we use is Enfamil which was given at the hospital for supplemental feeding. We never took him off as he was gaining his weight back and, he seems to be doing well with it. He is eating anywhere between 2-4 oz a feeding. He will eat till he is content and start to...

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