Mama’s who are also Dog/Cat Moms 🙋🏽‍♀️

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Mama’s who are also Dog/Cat Moms 🙋🏽‍♀️

Hey y’all! Wanted to start this group because I have 3 pups and a baby girl who get along great! Since so many of us also have pets to take care of, I figured why not start a group of those of us who are also Dog/Cat moms. Feel free to share tips, questions and adorable pictures of your pets and babies.

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S in Baby sleep

Co-sleeping with cats + baby

My two cats, Miah & Suzi co-sleep with us. If we lock the bedroom door they cry at the door. I’m wondering how to handle this when the baby comes. I am 34w4d expecting our first child. Our baby will sleep with us in a bassinet beside the bed. The bassinet I bought has a zipper net on top, so that the cats can’t get ...

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S in Baby digestion

Has any other cat owners had this ?

The past week I have woke up to my cat (13 months) laying on my stomach, he use to hate it on my stomach but now he’s laying there EVERY morning and pawing at it/ making biscuits/bread/ kneading it however you want to say it lol Any one else had this ? Other info -I have a 20 month old boy -me and my partner ar...

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S in Other

What should I do?

I am due in less than 3 weeks and we have set up the baby bed just in case. My cat just loves it and started sleeping in there. I'm unsure on what to do. Should I do something to avoid her sleeping in there? Should I let her sleep there? I'm not sure how she will take it once the baby is here..will she be jealous? W...

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2 likes,9 comments

S in Pets

Best friends ❤️

This old man has been with us since I was pregnant with my daughter ❤️ he’s 7 and she’s 6 it’s so wild how she is with her fur siblings

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4 likes,1 comments

S in Pets

Saturday shenanigans

Anyone want to GUESS which one of these assholes ran straight out the fence the moment I opened it and which two dumbells decided they wanted to stay and fight the good fight when a snake was in my yard this Evening? Had to get the WATER HOSE and hose them/the snake to get them away from the very much striking snake...

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