Pelvic Prolapse Support Group

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Pelvic Prolapse Support Group

Pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor collapse/dysfunction support group.

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Incognito in Other

Suspected prolapse - so upset

Hi everyone, I am 7 days postpartum and fairly sure I have a bladder prolapse based on a huge bulge popping out of my vagina. I can see it in evenings mostly while sitting on toilet. When i put my finger there, it feels squishy and I can push against it and push back in. When pregnant sneezing and morning sickness ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Postpartum symptoms

How long for?

I am currently 3 weeks postpartum and went to the GP. I have a posterior vaginal wall prolapse and a slight anterior prolapse. I’ve been told to do my pelvic floor exercises and use laxatives. Has anyone been in this situation? How long did it take to get back to normal?

  • C
  • C
  • C

Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Uterine prolapse

Hey, anyone who has a uterine prolapse or any other prolapse are you able to see it when you look with a mirror? If so, do you know what stage you are and how do you know? I’ve recently been diagnosed with a uterine prolapse but my gp couldn’t confirm the stage and told me to wait for my gynaecology referral. I ...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Low cervix normal after birth or prolapse?

Hello, I’m only 2 weeks postpartum but I’ve noticed my cervix is verryyy low in my vagina, I can touch it only sticking my finger in a bit. Before pregnancy it was sometimes second knuckle low but not this low. Is this normal after birth and it will rise back up? Or is this a sign of prolapse?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

16week pregnant with second baby

Hi guys! I'm currently pregnant with my second baby and never had a pelvic prolapse up until a few days ago when I noticed it. Went in to get it checked only to find out it's quite severe and now has a pessary in place. I'm quite worried as I wasn't given a valid explanation as to why or what is causing it, what p...

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