Trying for your first

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Trying for your first

This group is for girls who are trying for their first child. This is not a line eyes place, just a place to be yourself as you go through ttc.

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Incognito in Fertility treatments

When to stop?

What a journey so far.. After a miscarriage in March of 2023 followed by an ectopic in July resulting in my left tube being removed I finally thought we were getting our little rainbow, after our first (and only NHS funded) round of IVF we finally made it to 12 weeks.. Or so we thought, at 12+4 we had our scan to be...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

G in Ovulation tests

Clearblue High Fertility

Hello! This is my first month TTC I have been using the clear blue digital monitor to track fertility and have had 7 high days with no peak. I have had ovulation pain but no peak result. Anyone else had the same thing?

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C in Miscarriage

Just found out

Pregnancy after miscarriage, am I considered high risk?

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Incognito in Trying for a baby

Bit hopeless could use some good stories

We've been trying to conceive for almost a year and a half. I did private testing which was all good, and had investigations on the NHS which were all really positive. They pretty much won't help because we're both healthy. But every month feels like a dagger. Give me your positive stories to keep me going 🙏

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Fertility treatments

How do y'all deal with fertility issues

I've been trying to get pregnant for about a year now but whatever my period comes I just get a sense of darkness and disappointed any feedback or advice is welcome

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