Premature babies in the UK 🇬🇧

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Premature babies in the UK 🇬🇧

A place to discuss worries or concerns or to show off achievements with other premature mums, please share your preemie and their story! We’re here to listen 💛

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s in Parties & celebrations

All grown up

Here is my 18 month old who was born 5 weeks early with fetal growth restriction, weighing only 3lbs 15oz, sleeping next to his little sister who was born at 37 weeks at 6lbs 9 oz and is 6 weeks old tomorrow 🩵💛 He’s still fitting into 9-12 month clothes, but he’s grown so fast and is running about everywhere

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E in Breastfeeding

Formula feeding

Hi all, my little boy was born 14 weeks early (26 weeks) he is now 31 weeks and is being fed by a NG tube breastmilk. However thinking ahead breastfeeding was personally something I didn’t want to do and didn’t with my first. I’m expressing but it’s really getting me down, when speaking to the nurse she said that ex...

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C in Premature birth

Baby number 2

Hi everyone, I’m the founder of this page. The little boy in the picture above is my son, George, who’s now 2 and a half. I’m currently expecting baby number two! I’m super excited but also a bit nervous since it’s still early, and I can’t help but start mentally preparing for the possibility of NICU again. I was ...

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Incognito in Other

Tummy time

Hey! My little one is 12 weeks (6 weeks corrected) every time we do tummy time, all he wants to do it eat his hands and doesn't really lift his head. Has anyone got any advice to help him with head lifting? He just won't do it.

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Incognito in Sleep & tiredness

Baby due out tonight 34 weeks

I know it's because I'm so tired, and that this has been a long journey but I feel like I'm having a breakdown. They're suggesting baby may have to stay for days or weeks here after she's born. I can't do it, I just want to go home. Am I a bad mother?

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