Pregnancy after loss

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Pregnancy after loss

A group for women who are pregnant after miscarriage, or pregnancy loss. Support and understanding ❤

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S in Miscarriage

Pregnancy after loss

I just found out I’m pregnant again my daughter was born premature at 23+5 and sadly passed away a few days later in July , I had a miscarriage in November last year, I’m really scared that something will go wrong this pregnancy xx

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Pregnancy anxiety

Hi all I had a missed miscarriage in nov 24 and I'm 8 weeks pregnant again. I had private scan today which showed a healthy pregnancy but I can't stop feeling anxious not sure if anyone can offer any reassurance because nothing is certain but I need something haha please

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Pregnant after stillbirth (UK)

I had my baby girl (stillborn) in November at 34 weeks. I found out last week that I'm pregnant which is what we wanted. I was wondering if anyone is currently going through a pregnancy after stillbirth and if your care has been any different? I was hoping to request more scans and definitely wanted one before my 12...

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E in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Positive vibes please

Hi ladies! Any words of advice on how to stay positive, hopeful and not (too) anxious with a pregnancy after loss? I lost baby #2 in October at 21 weeks, we found out baby's kidneys had not developed properly and had to terminate. They're doing an autopsy to find out if it was for generic reasons, we may get result...

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Incognito in Trying for a baby

Ttc for a year

We have been ttc for a year now and still nothing. I feel like I've tried all the methods.. we haven't had sex whilst on my period before but have this week, does anyone know if it's possible to fall pregnant? Or can anyone recommend a method that they tried that worked for them please? I just feel so worthless an...

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