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By Gail Janicola

A community focused on the stages of motherhood from TTC through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Acquiring evidence-based information and becoming empowered to advocate for individualized care is our foundation.This group provides a no-judgment space for learning and sharing. All those in it have a strong desire to discover their unique and authentic path and build their confidence along the way. I’m Gail, a birth educator, doula, doula trainer, author and board certified health & wellness coach, and I’m so honored to navigate this group! You can find out more about me at 😊 Do you want to talk in real-time? I’d love to meet you! Schedule a call or zoom here:

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M in Relationships

What would you do

So I am not with the baby's father anymore and you know how you have the talks of what the baby's name is going to be like the first name. But since him and I are not together, I didn't think you would ask about the last name. He says he wants the baby to have his last name but as far as I know how it goes. If the m...

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J in Breastfeeding

Breast isn’t always better.

I know there are quite a few women that have a superiority complex for exclusively breastfeeding/pumping and shame moms for using formula. Well I’m hear to say breast isn’t always better. My milk was great this time with my 3rd so I’ve been exclusively pumping for my son but he gained no weight. After 2 weeks he w...

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3 likes,4 comments

M in Pregnancy termination

Happy but sad

So I found out my baby is going to be a boy. I have a son and I'm very good with him and I love him so very much..... But I was kinda hoping for a girl. I only want 2 bio kids and I don't want to get pregnant again so I'm not going to try again. Anyway I got sad about it not being a girl and seeing how happy the bab...

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2 likes,12 comments

M in Postpartum sex

Circumcision problem

So like the title says it's about circumcision. I don't believe in it. I think it's unnecessary and my baby lives a happy life without it. I have a little boy already and I did not have him circumcised so I don't see the need to do it to this one but my boyfriend wants it. I don't know why because he hasn't really t...

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1 likes,18 comments

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

Silently freaking out

My little one is 18 months old today exactly and was our little miracle baby. Period is due end of this week. But kept getting strong opks, so done a test when I woke up.... POSITIVE. What the actual im in disbelief 😭 Just needed to say it somewhere For an infertile this is crazy and I'm a massive mix of emotions a...

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1 likes,1 comments