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Pregnancy & Motherhood

I realized there is no Pregnancy Groups for my LHV Mama's. I know the struggles and Joy's of Motherhood and what it's like to need other Mama's and support and Friendships! That's why I created this Group are you currently expecting or have a little feel free to join and be uplifted, encouraged,supported and loved by others Mama's!

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Incognito in Family

Advice needed

Hi 👋🏼 non really parent related as such but I don't know where else to ask for advice. My husband is a manager. He manages two other people in his office. One of the girls is new, she acts very immature and goes through bouts of not speaking for days and blanks people when they try and talk to her. She is very rud...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Bad behaviours

Anyone have any tips as for how to deal with a 3 year old we are struggling with behaviours that look like screaming at the top of her lungs, having full blown meltdowns when she don't get what she wants, this always seems to be around mid afternoon these behaviours begin. She goes to the extreme of telling everyone...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Postpartum symptoms

Braxton hicks

Does this mean I’m having braxton hicks? I just saw a video on TikTok and I’m confused as I thought it was just her sitting in a really weird position. I had the same with my son but later on in the pregnancy whereas I am currently 30 weeks pregnant now and my belly has been like this on and off everyday for the pas...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Other

Baby lying diagonally, almost transverse.

I'm currently 3ish days past my due date with my second child. I went for a sweep last week but my midwife didn't manage to do it for multiple reasons.. Apparently my baby is also lying diagonally, his head is sort of in my hip area. I've been doing everything I can to get him head down but even looking at my bump ...

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L in Other

Post partum period

Anyone not have a period post partum, more than 6 months post-weaning? Did you have to take meds or give it more time? Natural supplements?

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