Premature Births

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Premature Births

This support group is open to anyone who has experienced an early delivery. My daughter was born at 23 weeks gestation weighing 1 pound 1 ounce at birth. We as Mothers to a premature baby, do not have many support groups that specializes in premature births. Whether you need advice, have comments on your little ones, have concerns, or just found a solution that us Moms can benefit from, this group is perfect for you! Please no disrespect. From one Proud Premie Momma to another, Welcome! 💜

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Incognito in Other

Bottle feeding- not dropping bottles

My baby will be 1 next month. She was 6 weeks early. She’s on 3 meals a day and still has 4 bottles a day. She takes 6oz at every feed and her night time one is 7oz I’m concerned as she shows no signs of dropping a bottle. My partner says there’s been times where she will only take 2 oz of her mid morning one but t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

T in Common illness

25 weeker

My baby girl was born at 25 weeks in July last year. She came home from hospital at the end of October still on a small amount of oxygen. This winter has been horrible. She’s been in and out of hospital at least once a month I would say with chest infections, rsv and bronchitis. Has anyone had similar experiences? A...

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A in Baby sleep


I am so confused on nap schedule, my LO is 7 months 5 months corrected we’re having trouble sleeping through the night, he is currently on 3 naps still and sleeps 45 minutes to an hour a half depending on the day on his naps but then will only sleep deeply for 3 hour at night and then spends the rest screaming and n...

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Incognito in Other

Which formula milk is better?

Hi All I am new mom of a premature baby. Its been tough to feed breastmilk to him as he is not able to latch properly also I am struggling to produce milk.(its getting better day by day but not enough for him) I am currently using cow and gate formula for him,it is making him gassy and he is kind of unsettled after ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Miscarriage

So many questions

25+5 my son and his girlfriend having a little boy and she's having a lot of difficulties independency, so she only has two veins in her umbilical cord.. She has severe breakdown in her placenta. They're saying the baby isn't gaining weight but losing weight. He was in the ninth percentile the last ultrasouda and no...

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