Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario
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Sex and Relationships with Railey Molinario

By Railey Molinario

This group is for women women who want to create the thriving relationships and lives they deserve. šŸ¤Ž

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Incognito in Postpartum sex

Sex postpartum?

When did you start consistently having sex or other intimate time postpartum? And I mean -realistically-, not this ā€œwe couldnā€™t even wait the six weeks šŸ™ˆā€ crowd

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Incognito in Single parents

What does he want?

So I recently became friends with benefits with a guy recently. I've known him 20 going on 21 years now. We are very close, not just due to sex. He has some issues due to family stuff so he pushes away in a sense out of fear getting hurt. I have a feeling he may want to be with me but idk. We hang out as much as we ...

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Incognito in Gifting

Christmas Gift

I donā€™t know if iam being selfish or not, my husband took me for ā€œshoppingā€ when we travelled for NYC, i did look lots of stuff and for me i have to feel in love with an item to get it. Has this bag that i loved and Iā€™ve being wanting for a while, I tried and he saw me making a video and thatā€™s was another one that ...

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Incognito in Postpartum sex

Enjoy sec with my ex more than my husbands

On reflection I noticed I enjoy sex a lot with my ex more than my husband. Iā€™m never sexually attracted to my husband and I just donā€™t know why. Sex with him feels like a chore. Does this mean Iā€™m not in love with my husband?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Relationships

Is there such thing as being too nice in a relationship?

I think so.. being too nice can create an unhealthy imbalance. I feel in any type of relationship you should have healthy boundaries to where no one should feel they are consistently prioritising the other persons needs more than their own which later on can cause potential resentment and not just that, but but who ...

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