Incognito in Baby sleep
Naps 8 months old
Hi! Have you dropped naps already? Which ones have you kept. Little boy still wakes up at night unless cosleeping… And it’s getting harder to put him down for nap in cot especially 🫠 Thanks
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By Alicia Dyshon
Mamas who are looking for more sleep but are not comfortable with traditional sleep training methods. ***If you are requesting to join, you agree to not make suggestions to sleep train using methods like, but not limited to, CIO, Ferber, Pick/Put down, The chair method***
Incognito in Baby sleep
Hi! Have you dropped naps already? Which ones have you kept. Little boy still wakes up at night unless cosleeping… And it’s getting harder to put him down for nap in cot especially 🫠 Thanks
Incognito in Baby sleep
My first question is if anyone uses a baby tracker app for sleep and which one, why? Who follows wake windows, is it important? If you’re timing a nap and your LO wakes up when you transfer them from a contact nap, do you pause the time if longer than 5 minutes? How do the pauses work if so? Are you waking your LOs...
Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing
My daughter will scream until I hold her, to the point she will cough and gag if he’s trying to console her and she wants me. It’s exhausting. She doesn’t sleep and only wants me. She’s 10 months old up every hour. Help! I’m so depressed and desperate for sleep.
Incognito in Baby sleep
My LB is 19 months old. He has never been a solid sleeper, he has always woke multiple times at night crying, he has always been great at going to bed and going down for naps, always got himself to sleep. Recently he needs someone in the room with him until he falls asleep. He wakes during the night and he won’t g...
A in Baby sleep
Hi all! My name is Aleni and I am a Baby-Led Sleep and Well Being specialist (working with Alicia). I am the Mama to a beautiful, highly sensitive 3-year-old daughter named Nora. When my daughter was about 4 months old, she wasn't sleeping through the night and the first thing our pediatrician said to us was to sl...