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Welcome, Toronto Mamas!! This group is about connecting us mamas together ❤️! Through questions about our little ones, postpartum, pregnancy, and motherhood. This group will also share local events and activities that are family-friendly and perfect for the little ones! Let's not forget that mommy needs some fun time, too! Events and activities locally for moms will also be shared!

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S in Baby products

Baby hair oil

Hi Mama’s how you doing What kind of hair oil you recommend me my baby is just 7weeks old

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Incognito in Smoking & health

Can i smoke weed? My baby is 1 year old. I breast feed only at night.

It’s been close to two years now that i haven’t smoked weed. Was wondering if i can smoke once and probably skip breastfeeding for one night, will it still affect my baby next day. I got out of conflicting views online. Some say it stays in your system for 10 days and can affect brain development. Please be honest. ...

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Incognito in Other


As I find myself in a better financial position I want to give back to those who are struggling. I find myself wondering how to do so, I do want to donate either in-kind or financially to an organization but I also find myself wanting to give back on a more personal level. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could s...

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B in Activities for kids

Going stir crazy?

Looking for moms who want to do daily meetups. No pressure at all. We can centre it around getting our steps in and walking everyday while on mat leave! Looking for moms who live near Eaton centre as that would be a default walking location in case of increment weather.

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Incognito in Legal

Court proceedings, Legal aid and losing

Hey moms, I’m reviewing my retainer agreement before signing off on court docs for sole custody and child support. There’s a section about costs that says if I ‘lose,’ my ex could seek fees against me. But it doesn’t define what ‘losing’ means. I’ve asked my lawyer, but the answer hasn’t been clear. Has anyone deal...

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