T in Parties & celebrations
My little chunker He turns 6 months this week
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T in Parties & celebrations
My little chunker He turns 6 months this week
D in Breastfeeding
Hi, my 26 week old girl recently developed a fever. Spoke to the doctor gave her some paracetamol, fever went away in 24 hours. She started rejected my breast milk when she got the fever. So I gave her formula. However now 3 days later she has no fever and she is still rejecting breast milk and only having formula, ...
L in Other
I am literally at the end of my rope today. We are in the process of moving so my life is currently balancing work, packing up, cleaning and caring for an almost 6 month old. My partner had to take over bedtime because I honestly can’t right now. She was almost asleep and he came to ask me if I’d eaten yet (I have...
D in Baby sleep
Hi all, my little one completed 5 months today. Since the past 3-4 days she has been taking longer naps in the day and wakes up cranky from the naps. Before she would sleep easily at night now she has been resisting sleep and will only sleep in my lap. If I put her down she starts crying and this goes on till 12.30a...
M in Baby digestion
so my almost 3 week old is very fussy. i talked to the public nurse that visits about it and she says that she’s learning to push stool. it makes me so sad tho because she looks like she’s in pain. she cries so hard and pushes and clenches so hard. i feel so bad for her. i bought gripe water to see if that would hel...