TTC in your 40’s

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TTC in your 40’s

Group designed for ladies in their 40’s who are TTC, going through pregnancy, have sadly suffered loss, or who are just in need of some support, please feel free to come and join us 🤍✨

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C in Other

Is it go time?

Calendar says I should have ovulated yesterday. Just checking... should my LH be showing darker for a spike?

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T in Parties & celebrations

I had my baby girl at age 42!!!

She’s two weeks old now and I’ll be turning 43 in exactly SIX WEEKS! I hope this is inspiration for someone. She was conceived naturally and I carried for exactly 40 weeks - and then was induced. So she’s a due date baby: October 1st 😍 We couldn’t be happier. And we’re leaving the door open for one more baby if...

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14 likes,30 comments

J in Words of encouragement

Looking for encouragement

Feeling down at recently turning 43

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3 likes,7 comments

Incognito in Legal

It ended. Badly.

We had a bad fight. I punched him a few times, my hand is black and blue. He’s on remand 💔 I feel disgusting and I hate that he’s not here. My heart is broken but I have to try and be strong for my children and have to show my strength because my children are learning about safe and healthy relationships but I had m...

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L in Other

I think this may be it 🥹

Okay, so I am now 4 days late, don’t feel like AF is coming, not had any obvious usual signs… actually, I’m feeling really really happy, smiley, randy as hell 🤣 and feel all lovey dovey with everyone 😂 like I’m just full of lots of happy hormones these past few days. Been craving buttery toast (had 5 slices yesterda...

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