Mama’s 35+

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Mama’s 35+

A group for the 35+ mama crowd

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Incognito in Family

Am I overreacting - hosting Christmas

We just hosted Christmas lunch potluck for our family (my husband’s immediate family and my parents). We host every year but this is the first year I’m a FTM with a 6 month old. I’m here to vent… I didn’t want to host at first but my husband convinced me “we won’t cook/prep anything” I was naive. He thinks the hous...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Trying for a baby

How soon did you try again for another baby?

Hi mums! I'm 36 with a 3 month old and I'm so keen for her to have siblings. I would love 3 or more kids but I know I'm not young. Always wanted a large family but past relationships didn't work out and I met my lovely husband in my 30s. He loves the idea of a large family too. Has anyone here tried for a baby wit...

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L in Baby & toddler food


My bby just turned 8 months and doesn’t seem interested in solids to much. Here n there he would take a spoon of food. I would put things on his plate n just let him explore type. But an actual spoon fed he doesn’t seem interested. Any thoughts/advice

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Incognito in Other


My aunt asked what I’m naming my child and when I told her she said she didn’t like the name at all then suggested a different name. She is old in her 80s but it’s still rude to say that and I’m annoyed. Venting. Thanks for listening

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Baby sleep


Can’t sleep my newborn is in NICU and I’m supposed to be pumping but one year old and boyfriend are dead asleep.Supposedly hospital tested me for sickness and found I have RSV and now can’t visit him until I’m cleared.I feel wide awake. Anyone want to chat about anything really?Maybe we’ll help each other fall asle...

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