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A group focused on September pregnancy due dates. CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉

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M in Baby & toddler food

Is this normal?

My little girl is 3 months old and every time anybody has something to eat, she is so interested in food. I usually feed her first before I eat, so it can't be because she's hungry. Does anyone else have this with their baby? Or is mine too curious?

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R in Baby sleep

Question about soothers/dummies

So my little one isn't really bothered about one to be honest she has it sometimes when I settle her down but any other time she doesn't have it at all, so I was thinking do I just not bother with them? But if I do bother with them Ive got another question on sizes for dummies, so my baby is huge, she's a chunky mon...

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K in Parties & celebrations

12 week mark

How is our September babies doing? How old are they now? My little girl is 12 weeks old today and she is thriving. She is already in 3-6 clothes and weighs 13lb7

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Incognito in Formula

12 week old baby feeding

We have always fed my daughter on demand but I've noticed recently that she will rarely ever go over 2.5 hours without a feed. I will offer 5oz but she will drink 3oz and then around 2 hours later, she wants more. I find that because she doesn't finish her milk, she will want more sooner. Is there any way I can t...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep


My baby has just turned 12 weeks… the magic number where professionals tell you everything will get better! Pretty much we are up every 2 hours to feed/ resettle from 2 am onwards. It’s hard as I think she has silent reflux and I wonder an allergy but I feel like I’m doing a bad job. I don’t know when to start bed...

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