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It’s OK not to feel OK. From burnout to exhaustion, explore expert advice and real stories from real women here to support you on Peanut.

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Maternity leave!

Is anyone else finding maternity leave so incredibly lonely? My partner works 10-15 hour shifts 7 days a week with every 2nd weekend off and I have 0 friends so 90% of the time it’s just me and little boy


Feeling guilty for having two kids.. anyone else??

I just had a baby a month ago i loved being a mom to one! My oldest is 18 months i absolutely think its so easy to have one.. i can go shopping/ park/ ect now i have two i only go shopping when my oldest in daycare.. i love having only one child anyone else feels like this.. i feel such a horrible mom for thinking t...


To our latest incognito bully/troll

It doesn't matter who I am, even though I'm one of the people you've called out. I just want you to know that you are loved and you don't need to do this.


Thank yall

Thank yall for all the encouragement to leave abuse 5 almost 6 years ago yall saved my life and my daughter's she is thriving in school happy


How do I stop feeling like no one will want me now that I have a baby ?

I get nervous talking to guys now because I feel I will get judged. I do feel like i won’t even be able to spend time on nonsense since my priority is my baby. Idk why I feel wrong just even chatting w guys.


Americans: which country are you most proud for your leadership to now be aligning with?

This is some "show me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are" type shit


Feeling very alone.

Hey mamas. It’s been a long time since I posted in here, but I’m curious if anyone else’s baby is developmentally behind? I keep seeing all these moms posting about how “advanced” their baby is and I feel very insecure if I’m honest. My son is 8m and is just now getting the skills of a 6m old. I’m honestly looking f...


Do you put your passion towards productive means ?

like do you try to be the change you wish to see? or do you just like to talk?



Anyone else find motherhood obviously so rewarding but also so lonely? I'm an older mom so I feel like most of my friends have older kids and can't relate to where i am now with an 8 month old. I'm going to baby groups but while it's lovely meeting other moms it can be hard to build friendships when life is so busy ...


Feeling lonely

Any one else dreading their partner going back to work. I feel like I’ve got no next to no mum friend to speak to and meet up with. It feels even more lonely now being a mum of two.


Just venting about loneliness

Really finding life hard. I used to have loads of “friends” (drinking buddies) before I was pregnant but since moving to get away from the drinking lifestyle I’ve been completely ghosted by anyone from that life. I’ve got 2 best friends I’ve known for 15 years but I feel like when it’s my time to be happy or sad abo...


Anyone else parenting a toddler and a newborn?

I live away from friends and family and husband works away a lot. Feel guilty I’m not present as I should be with my toddler. Wish I could give more of myself. I’m starting to feel really empty. Anyone else have any tips to get by?


Your inner child needs ONE THING…

The little girl who was told she was too much… …becomes the woman who never feels like she’s doing enough. Babe, You’ve achieved so much—yet deep down, something still feels off. Not more success. Not another milestone. But YOU. The version of you who is DONE shrinking, proving, and carrying the weight of never e...

Darcel Being

What to do when you have no one

I don’t really have any family support and I’m a single mom with a toddler expecting twins bf broke up with me shortly after finding out. Life’s just been horrible lately I feel so alone and don’t have no one to talk to or help me I have no friends at all I barely have family and regardless they won’t help much with...


Does not caring if your partner watches porn make you feel superior to those who care about it?

And also, in comments if you wish: does caring about your partner watching porn make you feel superior over those who don’t care? Examples: Oh people who care must be so insecure couldn’t be me Or Oh wow they must not have self worth if they allow their partners to do that I am rather neutral on the subjec...


Anyone else feel sad and lonely when your kid goes to their fathers house for the weekend.?

This is the first time in a year or two I think since my son went to stay over to his dads for the weekend. I feel so sad and lonely and with anxiety now that he just left. I love my son and he’s been asking to go to his dads. He just turned 7 and I don’t want to not let him go just because he doesn’t send child sup...

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