Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
Me and my bf have been talking about doing an@l for months, however we always forget to buy lube and I am a little bit scared. I’ve not heard many bad things but wondering if anyone has any experiences/tips worth sharing. My bf atm sometimes puts his finger up my bum during sex or in foreplay and sometimes it’s a li...
So I’m 38 weeks and I’m always in pain after sex. It hurts a lot down there that I cannot walk let alone stand. My bf hasn’t been getting it that much because I’m always in pain or I’m nauseous all the time. He throws a fit everytime I tell him this. Yet he still asks! I always tell him it’s the physical aspects of ...
So me and my partner have separated for 2 weeks now. During the fight he said that he will still pay this months rent. But when i asked him today he suddenly said he wont pay his shares anymore! Its not fair! I dont know what to do. Im only working part time.
Hi! Looking for mom friends. Chats, video calls, etc. Doesn’t matter where you’re from as long as you’re genuine.
Just looking for friends that want to chill and drink coffee. No drama. Just taking our kids to the park and target trips. So many moms I know only want drama😵💫
Are there any fellow SAHM in Manhattan with „older“ kids? I just moved here with husband and my 2 year old as a SAHM, but don’t know anyone here
So my child's father has been inconsistent since birth. We split when pregnant. He went several months with no contact or seeing baby. After initially refusing, he eventually took part in mediation, and following this, he only turned up to half of the arranged meets with baby. Baby has had hospital appts due to heal...
I'm looking for moms in Florida I can connect with. It's been such a blessing being a mom in my 40'a. But I need some mom time lol. Im.talking food and drinks, music, pool. I'm down to connect!
Hey mommas! I was wondering if anyone here would like to be friends and skip past the small talk stage! We can send each other tik toks, vent, voice notes, text, etc.
So apparently me telling my BD that had I never met him I would have eventually had a baby / gotten pregnant by / with someone else even if they left me after getting me pregnant (bc I had had 2 pregnancy scares prior to him and both guys told me to abort bc they didn’t wanna be w me) is like a major offense and he’...
Eleanor and Tahani were both super close friends but from opposite worlds. I think this would be an amazing friendship. I want this type of contrast too. So I guess I’m looking for my Eleanor type friend now. Sarcasm is a must. Please be talkative and an excellent conversationalist. I’m a great listener and I appre...
Seems like a lot of people in this group need to familiarize themselves with them (link in comment)
Mom looking a moms network 🙈
I feel like I have friends that I can talk to but not a real one that I trust to tell every single thing!
Anyone want to text hopefully become friends my hubby is working and my mini wants to play alone 😓
5 weeks post partum When I was prego it was really rough on me and my partner we argued all the time I was really moody and too much for him I guess .. he complained about affection constantly that I wasn’t giving him any and that I always pushed him away but I swear baby made me despise him but I couldn’t help it....
Anyone else struggling in their relationship with their husband/partner? Hoping I’m not alone…
Lmk if anyone is around here with kids around 6-8
Me and my partner are not having sex. Like at all, since I fell pregnant we just stopped having sex. Our daughter is 8 months now, we have probably had sex 9 times since I fell pregnant and i am always the one who initiates it. I am going through it😭Obviously I don't wanna cheat but i need sex!! I'm a stay at home…
So I’m 6months pp and still on maternity my fiance pays the rent 825, gas and electric depends on receipt of bill ,water 55 and I pay the internet tv and for the baby stuff like clothes,toys e.t.c. I only get 446 for smp as I was really sick through pregnancy and had GD and hypertension so took ssp before going on m...