From periods and PCOS to birth control and more, we’ve got you on all things women’s health. Explore expert advice and real stories from real women on Peanut.
Anyone else had Group B Strep found after a vaginal swab? Had thrush and was treated at the time the swab was taken, all cleared up now but just got a call to say this was found too and to let my midwife know. Google can be a bit scary, so just looking for anyone else’s experience and what it entailed for them, di...
Me again... I've just received my Splash About bits... do these look ok? It was quite a fight to get them on but i did just wipe her bum just before I put them on
I need to find an ob that won't ask about a primary dr. I just found out today that I'm having another one and my last ob wanted something to prove that I was pregnant but this time I dont have the time. I don't have a primary and dont wanna go to a random place to get a pregnancy test done, just so an ob will see me
I take half showers in between showers. For example, last night I went to the gym, before the gym I washed my pits, down there (front and back) and my feet. After the gym, I double cleanse. I go to sleep and in the afternoon I washed my pits, down there, and feet. It's a nice hot day so I enjoyed some sun. I plan on...
Hi girls, what contraception did you choose after having the baby? If any at all? I was thinking about the coil but still not sure… 🤔
2 guys and 1 of their wives all share a towel. No it’s not a throuple- just a couple and a male roommate sharing a towel. They literally only own one single towel. “You’re clean when you get out of the shower so what’s the problem?” Please tell me I’m not crazy thinking this is nuts and absolutely disgusting
So I just stopped my BC shot beginning of March after being on it since January of 2023. So my question is how do period panties work? Do you wear a pad or not? Can I wear the panties and just a tamp? Also who uses the cup thing how do you like it? Is it easy and cost effective? I’ve haven’t had a real period since ...
Hi girls, I currently have thrush . My midwife said it’s safe to take a pessery and cream but don’t use the applicator. I’ve just been to the pharmacy and they wouldn’t give me it because it’s not licensed during pregnancy. Unsure what to do as it does say on the box don’t use if pregnant?
Anybody know if this is safe, I can't get a GP appointment to ask this question ?
is anyone using the combined pill as a form of contraception? has anyone gained weight with this?
5 year old girl needing a wee all the time like having a wee then straight after saying she needs another but sometimes needs a wee but nothing coming out because she's just had one. She used to be fine like used yo go few hours between wees so I don't know what's happening now
I’ve always been prone to UTIs but for the last 3 months I’ve been getting UTI like symptoms at the same time every month. I’m usually able to drink lots of water and cranberry juice and can get it to go away on its own. But it’s also accompanied by slightly greenish discharge?? And it’s only for like a week a mont...
What contraception method has everyone chosen or got on best with after having a baby? I was on the combined pill for over 12 years before I stopped to get pregnant and found this worked well for me. I've got my 8 week appointment this week and know this is my opportunity to discuss contraception methods. I am keen...
Has anyone tried both ? Which do you prefer and why ? I’ve been on the combined pill for a long time with breaks here and there , when taking breaks for a few months my moods are better and my blood pressure is lower but I need to go back on to contraception wondering if the mini pill would be any better for me .
Hi, I’ve just been told from my 12 week scan that I have low PAPP-A at 0.29. They have prescribed me aspirin but the doctors are taking ages to sort my prescription. Do you know if I can just buy it in a shop or over the counter? And is there a specific version I need? I’m so worried about taking the wrong thing b...
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