Whether you’re dealing with perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause, Peanut is here for you. Explore real stories from real women and expert advice on everything from hot flashes to HRT.
I have this on in mind tho it’s more of a memoir.
Am I going mad or is this a shadow. Not due on my period for another 4 days
5 months pp and get so sweaty at night, I exclusively BF. Is this happening to anyone else? X
Does anyone else period seem to last a little bit longer then it did post pregnancy?
How longer after MC have people had their period?
Hello, I’m curious if anyone has experienced a similar situation and found a solution. I’m 34 and have had a low sex drive for several years. My relationship with my husband is wonderful, and I find him very attractive, so that’s not the issue. Sex just doesn’t appeal to me, although when we do have sex, it’s enj...
And if so when and will I always have a fupa
Is it normal to have crazy long cycles? My last one was 36 days. I’ve never had consistent cycles, but I know they are pretty much always long like that. Can someone explain why they would be so long!?
Is anyone noticing they keep having hot flashes?! Everyone keeps moaning how cold they are where as I’m comfortable /uncomfortably hot?!
Why does nobody talk about the uncomfortable feeling the last few weeks and the changes that happen
Hi girls ! Would anyone like to chat a little About menopause / peri or early menopause? After I had my son 3 yrs ago I never went back to my old self and it’s been really hard to accept the new me . Anyone care to chat ?
How long did it take before your period came back?
was wondering do they go back to normal cycle after first one or does it take time? I’ve had my first period pp but wondering when the next one will be , can anyone comment their experience pls
🥲🥲🥲 think I’ve cried and flipped out about 20 times today. Anyone else??
10 months pp and no period but I think I'm getting my hormonal spots again so maybe it's due to start?
It started to climb and increase, I know I missed a day but surly this can’t be right and it just dropped so low again. I tested yesterday but forgot to record it and it dropped yesterday so I don’t get it. Did I miss my one good day? 🤷♀️
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