Planning for a Baby

Whether you’re trying to conceive, exploring fertility treatments, adoption, surrogacy, or more, Peanut is here to share real stories from real women and expert advice whatever your journey to motherhood.

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I’m 5 weeks + 3 days pregnant - I had 10 positive tests over the course of a week and now I’ve got what I think is implantation spotting, I’ve had it for 2 days so far but when I tested yesterday the test was negative? I’m so confused - have I had a chemical pregnancy? Or does hcg drop during implantation? Was it fl...


Tried every ovulation stick to get pregnant

Hi mums I need advice been trying for another baby since may last year .. but nothing when do you roughly ovulate with a 26/28 cycle? My period is ending in the next few days and I’ve tried ovulation tests but nothing yet . Any other tips how to get pregnant? Just want to be able to give my little boy a little sibli...


Fresh embryo transfer stories 🙏

Hi everyone, I finally made it to my first embryo transfer which happened yesterday afternoon ✨️ There have been a lot of hurdles along the way so it's felt like a long road, but I'm so proud to have got to this point. I'm trying to remain positive whilst realistic, as I know not all fresh embryo transfers work, esp...


Is this evaporation or positive

Help please! Taken in 3 minutes even though you can wait 10 mins with these. My pink dye is negative? I’m 5 days late. Thought i was having a chemical pregnancy :/


Rh negative

So I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2, I’m 0 negative blood type, my daughter was a positive baby, I did have a couple of bleeds whilst pregnant with her 3 years ago now, I had the anti d injection, I’m just wondering if this baby will be classed as a high risk pregnancy? I’m only 4-5 weeks pregnant...


10 dpo

You know when you get the feeling a test isn’t AS negative as the negatives that have come before 😅 Think I’m delusional but will take another tomorrow if my period doesn’t arrive by then (due tomorrow)


Underactive thyroid

This might be abit of a strange question, but a few weeks ago I found out I have an underactive thyroid so our IVF journey had to be paused until the levels are back to where they need to be. I was prescribed Levothyroxine for life. I had to order a repeat prescription for the first time, I did it a week before I ne...


Is this positive?

I put a clear blue test up last week and there was a small shadow. I was advised to take a red dye test a week later and see what this positive? *Edit - I have a 4 month old! So this will be 2 under 2!!*


Have I missed my peak?

Currently cd15 and usually ovulate around now, it was going up but has gone down again. In the past I have gone straight from a circle to a static smiley within 12hrs on CB.


Ewcm mixed with creamy cm 2dpo *tmi*

I’m 2dpo today and I noticed that I had a gush of ewcm and creamy kinda mixed I usually don’t have this much at all and am not sure what it could mean anyone have this and end up pregnant I usually never have that much ewcm it’s usually so little I hardly noticed but this was a lot


Positive or Negative?

Hey girls, I took a pregnancy test this morning and I don’t know if this is positive as I can see a faint line? Or am I just seeing it? I will take another test on Monday so maybe it’s more stronger and I might be testing early.


Teaching my son about his heritage?

My son (almost 4 months) is half white (his dad), half Korean (me). I have heard that it’s important to teach a child about both parents’ cultures. I see the value in this but I have a dilemma. I was adopted as an infant and raised by white parents so I know very little about Korean culture. I guess it just feels ...


Digital pregnancy test says negative but I opened it and it looks like this ( brand is clear blue )

My last period was January 26th….I missed my period in February and idk been feeling weird, nauseous af, so sensitive to smells, so tired…..the list goes on…..problem is I’m 4 months postpartum and ya me and my husband have been not been “safe” 😂 so ya….this wasn’t really an accident and I really hope it’s positive…


No period negative test

I’m currently 13 days late, period was due on the the 8th. There are absolutely no signs of a period coming and I’ve tested multiple times this week all tests are clearly negative! What should I do?


Positive test

Is this test dark enough for 21 DPO?



Has your partner got a vasectomy? Were you both 100% sure?We have 2 boys already but was wondering if i should hold off first. However i know he is about 98% sure. I am maybe 75%. But i want to support him coz he seems ready to get it done. What would you do?

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