Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.
does anyone else hate when people try to instill some sort of ‘fear’ or question you for wanting more kids…? they’re all like “are you sure you want more kids after dealing wi—“ YES I am sure! 🙄🙄 going through pregnancy all over again and then having to take care of multiple kids/babies in the end is hard of…
Girls how are we doing this? So I understand with tantrums etc we hold the boundary but in a calm and gentle manner. But what about when we are trying to get them to do something? Like get ready, she will just run away from me and if I grab her it’s then a physical battle my mother will also say to her oh if you don...
Hi all, I’m just trying to feel better about my situation. I’ve been having the worse luck ever and I’m pretty fed up with it. I’m trying to spin it around but I wondered how people’s experience has been. So basically I’m getting married this coming Sunday. My life has been hell for the last year and the wedding was...
I used to work with a friend 7 years ago. She would often bring at least 1 of her 5 kids to work for the entire day. Mind you, we worked in fast food. She made food while I was the cashier and cleaned the dining room. Her kids weren’t very well behaved and she actually gave me permission to not only get onto her kid...
I can’t even begin to imagine what goes on through the mom’s minds that defend and back up their grown son’s actions especially if it effects the child. It feels almost inhumane that a mother can watch their child physically and emotionally abuse the mother of their grandchild and not say anything… But when I’ve ha...
Just need some help understanding this so I've got one child and I currently receive child element I've got another child on the way I think I can claim child element again would this be the same amount.
Does anyone feel like they can’t settle their newborn, but when they go to another family member they do it just fine? I’m starting to doubt myself and not sure if my baby is picking up on my stress 😔
I come from the UK. I’m British. But having travelled and experienced so many beautiful cultures from around the world, I realise that not only does white privilege exist, but so does an elitist mindset from the West! I’m so fed up of people in the West of the world criticising other mothers parenting methods, talk...
Has anyone used a baby doll/ toy baby to prepare their first born for the new arrival? Does it help and did you think it was worth while? My little one will be 18 months when his brother arrives and I want to do anything possible to help him acclimatise. But I also don’t want to make things worse by introducing a...
anyone’s else get annoyed at other people overbuying things for your child? like it’s at the point where i can’t never been able to enjoy buying things for my first baby cause we have too much ik i should be grateful but it honestly feels like i’ve had that opportunity taken away from me
I have a toddler boy and am pregnant with a baby girl. I’m nervous and excited. Can you all give your experiences with parenting a boy vs parenting a girl? I’d like to know if there are any differences. Also, my partner has all boys. Soooooo having a daughter is new to us both lol
How did you and the daddy parent your baby/toddler with completely opposite styles? It’s really putting our relationship to the brink and I don’t know what to do
Okay, I’m just curious how others have handled this. Is it normal to feel some imposter syndrome around the mom title. For background my little man is speech delayed and not saying mama yet. Adoption is not finalized yet. Petition filed awaiting court date. But even when other people (ie. nurse, therapist or passers...
Trump signed the official executive order getting rid of the department of education today. This is one example of why being a mother is inherently political. How can you be a mother and be ok with this?!
My son (almost 4 months) is half white (his dad), half Korean (me). I have heard that it’s important to teach a child about both parents’ cultures. I see the value in this but I have a dilemma. I was adopted as an infant and raised by white parents so I know very little about Korean culture. I guess it just feels ...
Flamingos lose their vibrant pink color while raising their young, but eventually regain it- starting to get my “pink” back, or at least looking for it. Finding little ways to feel like me again 🥰
I wondered if I might be able to ask this lovely community for some help! I am a Stepmum to a lovely 4-year-old girl, and it's been amazing and difficult simultaneously! I am about to complete my Master's degree in Psychology and need to complete my dissertation. Inspired by my own experiences, I have decided to ex...
What are your thoughts on ‘soft parenting’? Personally, the only children I’ve known/seen being soft parented have been right little sh*ts! Simply are left to get away with bad behaviour and don’t face any consequences. Now everyone in this day and age wonders why children and young adults have no respect.
Hello I’ve had an egg collection today and only 3 eggs were collected. I have low ovarian and reserve and am 39. I can’t stop crying. I feel like there is no hope of it working.
Anyone who’s applied for child benefits still waiting? I applied on the 4th of Feb, and haven’t started receiving it yet