Articles & Expert Guides on Planning for a Baby

Medically-reviewed expert guides, tips, real-life stories, and articles on Planning for a Baby.

How Many Eggs Does a Woman Have? Egg Count by Age Breakdown

How Many Eggs Does a Woman Have? Egg Count by Age Breakdown

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Ozempic Babies: Are Weight-Loss Drugs Causing Surprise Pregnancies?

Ozempic Babies: Are Weight-Loss Drugs Causing Surprise Pregnancies?

By Tassia O'Callaghan
Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer (If You’re Symptom-Spotting)

Positive Signs After Embryo Transfer (If You’re Symptom-Spotting)

By Katie MIll
When Does Implantation Occur? Your Full Implantation Timeline

When Does Implantation Occur? Your Full Implantation Timeline

By Katie Mill
What is Cervidil & How Is It Used?

What is Cervidil & How Is It Used?

By Katie Mill
At-Home Insemination Kits: How Do They Work?

At-Home Insemination Kits: How Do They Work?

By Katie Mill
Signs of Pregnancy After Stopping Depo-Provera

Signs of Pregnancy After Stopping Depo-Provera

By Katie Mill
How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

By Katie Mill
Does Mucinex Help You Get Pregnant?

Does Mucinex Help You Get Pregnant?

By Katie Mill
6 Tips for Getting Pregnant in Your 30s

6 Tips for Getting Pregnant in Your 30s

By Katie Mill
What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant Without Protection One Time?

What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant Without Protection One Time?

By Katie Mill
Can You Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

Can You Get Pregnant After a Tummy Tuck?

By Katie Mill
IVF After Tubal Ligation: Is It Possible? Your Expert Guide

IVF After Tubal Ligation: Is It Possible? Your Expert Guide

By Navya Muralidhar
Does Fertility Tea Really Work?

Does Fertility Tea Really Work?

By Katie Mill
What Foods Should I Avoid While Taking Letrozole For Fertility?

What Foods Should I Avoid While Taking Letrozole For Fertility?

By Katie Mill
Does Matcha Cause Infertility?

Does Matcha Cause Infertility?

By Katie Mill
What is Antral Follicle Count? AFC in Fertility

What is Antral Follicle Count? AFC in Fertility

By Navya Muralidhar
What to Do After a Positive Pregnancy Test

What to Do After a Positive Pregnancy Test

By Navya Muralidhar
IVF Gender Selection: Is It Possible?

IVF Gender Selection: Is It Possible?

By Navya Muralidhar
My Husband Takes Testosterone Injections - Can I Still Get Pregnant?

My Husband Takes Testosterone Injections - Can I Still Get Pregnant?

By Navya Muralidhar

From the community

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Child element

Just need some help understanding this so I've got one child and I currently receive child element I've got another child on the way I think I can claim child element again would this be the same amount.


Tell a friend who is struggling with infertility

Hi guys, I am about 7w at the moment and haven’t announced to anyone because my husband would like to wait until we’ve had our first scan. I am excited to tell friends and family but I’m worried about telling my best friend of 25 years because she is struggling to conceive (and has for years). I’ve read elsewher...


Second pregnancy

Took a test this afternoon because my period is 1 day late and I have been having very light brown spotting on and off for the last 3 days. Thought I would take a test thinking it would be negative and having confirmation would put my mind at ease and my period would turn up…. did not expect such a blatant positive ...


“I want to start trying for pregnancy!”

“Tell me what foods I should eat and what I should do!”


Buying baby items whilst TTC

I’ve always known I wanted a second child. Once I was ready I came off contraception and started trying. I had some things I didn’t use for my first and just kept them for my ‘next’. I fell pregnant in September last year and started shopping for more baby clothes and other items (a whole medium suitcase full). Sad...



Hay! I’ve just been told from my blood test that my PAPP-A results are low. It’s a worry! I’ve of course had a look at the NHS website to learn more. Has anyone else got the same results? I’m 15w1d pregnant with my first. Xx


Am I pregnant?

Has anyone had a false positive before? I done this test yesterday afternoon. I decided to do another one this morning, a digital one and it said not pregnant? I have started bleeding which isn’t uncommon for me as my bleeding is always all over the place.


What do you think happened?

Okay so the bottom (positive?) wondfo test was originally negative/indented within the testing timeframe, so I threw it away. It was in the trash can with another negative pregnancy test sitting in an empty urine cup. When I looked back an hour later it was positive? Just this one- the other was still negative. It h...


Planning a second baby

Hey! I had my baby girl a few months ago now , I absolutely adore motherhood. Me and my partner cannot wait to add a new addition to the family already. How long did you wait before trying for another baby ?x


Beta Test day

Had my Beta test today. Got a confirmation of a positive test from the clinic and I also tested at home for the first time since my FET and got a BFP. I hope this encourages someone. I am 40years old, first pregnancy. My 1st IVF cycle was canceled before the egg retrieval because I only had one follicle.