Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.

Child element

Just need some help understanding this so I've got one child and I currently receive child element I've got another child on the way I think I can claim child element again would this be the same amount.


Second pregnancy

Took a test this afternoon because my period is 1 day late and I have been having very light brown spotting on and off for the last 3 days. Thought I would take a test thinking it would be negative and having confirmation would put my mind at ease and my period would turn up…. did not expect such a blatant positive ...


Tell a friend who is struggling with infertility

Hi guys, I am about 7w at the moment and haven’t announced to anyone because my husband would like to wait until we’ve had our first scan. I am excited to tell friends and family but I’m worried about telling my best friend of 25 years because she is struggling to conceive (and has for years). I’ve read elsewher...


“I want to start trying for pregnancy!”

“Tell me what foods I should eat and what I should do!”


Buying baby items whilst TTC

I’ve always known I wanted a second child. Once I was ready I came off contraception and started trying. I had some things I didn’t use for my first and just kept them for my ‘next’. I fell pregnant in September last year and started shopping for more baby clothes and other items (a whole medium suitcase full). Sad...


Am I pregnant?

Has anyone had a false positive before? I done this test yesterday afternoon. I decided to do another one this morning, a digital one and it said not pregnant? I have started bleeding which isn’t uncommon for me as my bleeding is always all over the place.


What do you think happened?

Okay so the bottom (positive?) wondfo test was originally negative/indented within the testing timeframe, so I threw it away. It was in the trash can with another negative pregnancy test sitting in an empty urine cup. When I looked back an hour later it was positive? Just this one- the other was still negative. It h...


Planning a second baby

Hey! I had my baby girl a few months ago now , I absolutely adore motherhood. Me and my partner cannot wait to add a new addition to the family already. How long did you wait before trying for another baby ?x


Beta Test day

Had my Beta test today. Got a confirmation of a positive test from the clinic and I also tested at home for the first time since my FET and got a BFP. I hope this encourages someone. I am 40years old, first pregnancy. My 1st IVF cycle was canceled before the egg retrieval because I only had one follicle.


Just a quick one really

So I’m not trying to be mean but I’m seeing people respond to others tests with “nope” or “no”. Personally and I don’t know if it’s because I’ve gone through a miscarriage twice and had negative tests I know it can be slightly heartbreaking. So all I’m asking is people be a bit more cautious with their words and say...


Gallbladder issues and TTC for baby no2

Hi ladies, is anyone else suffering with gallbladder issues? I want to TTC for my second baby but I'm worried there could be complications. Anyone else in the same boat?


Could this be an early positive?

I’m currently TTC Baby #2 and even though I said I’d be patient this time, I couldn’t help testing early. AF is due Thursday.


Is it just me or? 👀

Hey! I’m currently trying for baby #2 and I don’t know if I’m being delulu but it feels like I’m showing some of the same early symptoms as last time so decided to take a test. Does this look like a potential early positive?


Can’t settle newborn?

Does anyone feel like they can’t settle their newborn, but when they go to another family member they do it just fine? I’m starting to doubt myself and not sure if my baby is picking up on my stress 😔


Do you find that people who live in the West believe they are more “civilised” and therefore better than others?

I come from the UK. I’m British. But having travelled and experienced so many beautiful cultures from around the world, I realise that not only does white privilege exist, but so does an elitist mindset from the West! I’m so fed up of people in the West of the world criticising other mothers parenting methods, talk...


Pregnant or not?

I took a strip test this morning and it had a faint second line. Wasn’t as dark as the control but could definitely be seen. This afternoon I’ve taken digital clear blue. Held my wee for a few hours prior. This came back not pregnant? Which one do I believe? Is it too early for the digital as I’m ‘2 days’ before ...


Hii my TTC girlies, advice please 🙏🏻

This is what this cycle is looking like. Let me know if the amount of baby dancing is enough or if we should try again tomorrow. What do you think? Pictures in comments. Picture of ovulation tests and our calendar this month


Evap or can you see a little pink?

Please help


What does this mean? Opinions please.

Done with the same urine I did the cheaper one first and after seeing a positive I used the digital only to get Not Pregnant.


Ivf because of health issues- uk

This is a long one sorry. So I've been diagnosed with brain tumor and my Drs want to put me on this drug which is supposed to slow down any growth . Its technically not chemo/radio but I can't be pregnant while I'm on it. I want to have a second child (already have 1) and my Dr said he can give me a year to get preg...


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