From IVF and IUI to medication and egg donation, fertility treatments can feel overwhelming. But Peanut is here with expert advice and real stories from real women who get it.
This is a long one sorry. So I've been diagnosed with brain tumor and my Drs want to put me on this drug which is supposed to slow down any growth . Its technically not chemo/radio but I can't be pregnant while I'm on it. I want to have a second child (already have 1) and my Dr said he can give me a year to get preg...
Hello, We are considering ivf abroad but it’s such a minefield and I don’t know where to go or who. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We’d need to have icis ivf due to male fertility problems.
I just turned 40 this month and have my first IVF appointment on Tuesday. I had my tubes tied and have 2 kids 16 and 13. I do have a higher BMI of 39. I want to know if anyone is in the same boat as I am. I also have PCOS had a little trouble getting pregnant with my first took clomid and no problems with my second....
This might be lengthy, but I’ll try to make it quick and hope it makes sense… so bear with me and brace yourselves. Back in 2016 I was diagnosed as infertile. Later on in life I chose to become a single mother by choice and had a baby via IVF using donor sperm. I went that route after many, many failed relationshi...
Has anyone had endometriosis surgery prior to going through IVF or even after? Did it improve the egg quality? I’m switching doctors for my next IVF and she may suggest getting a surgery before we start the cycle. I’m not sure how I feel because some say it could potentially do damage than improve but some say the...
Hi everyone, I finally made it to my first embryo transfer which happened yesterday afternoon ✨️ There have been a lot of hurdles along the way so it's felt like a long road, but I'm so proud to have got to this point. I'm trying to remain positive whilst realistic, as I know not all fresh embryo transfers work, esp...
This might be abit of a strange question, but a few weeks ago I found out I have an underactive thyroid so our IVF journey had to be paused until the levels are back to where they need to be. I was prescribed Levothyroxine for life. I had to order a repeat prescription for the first time, I did it a week before I ne...
Has your partner got a vasectomy? Were you both 100% sure?We have 2 boys already but was wondering if i should hold off first. However i know he is about 98% sure. I am maybe 75%. But i want to support him coz he seems ready to get it done. What would you do?
11 collected- 6 mature, 6 fertilised and no blastocyst.. Clinic mentioned that they were slow to grow and were of poor quality since the beginning. Does anybody know how to interpret embryo report? How do you move forward from this, it’s devastating. 4 yrs ttc , 3 early losses, mild endo on ovary and left ovary stuc...
Does it actually helps in conceiving quickly?
We were given the go ahead for another round of IUI! First resulted in a loss, husband's sperm count more than doubled and motility is 75 percent. God is soooo good!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 This whole process is so humbling. A sincere good luck to every one of you ladies.
I know it’s silly, but took over 6years to conceive are second, he’s currently 5 weeks But we’re actively trying again as we would like a smaller age gap I have pcos , so taking the opportunity with my body being highly fertile When’s best to do a test
Any words of wisdom, tips, or advice for someone about to start the IVF process please?
Just had out 2nd 1vf cycle Cycle 1: we got 9 eggs. 5 fertilised. 4 made it to blasts. Transfered 1 2bb = bfn other 3 too poor of quality ti freeze Cycle 2 : 14 eggs i was hoping for more as I had about 30 follicles growing and about 18 looking good size. My husband did his sample and w got told to wait to discu...
If yes how long did it take for you to conceive..
Have you or anyone you know tried any non-medical approaches for increasing the chances of having a boy? I’d love to hear about any personal experiences or insights.
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