Pregnancy Tests

Whatever you need to know about pregnancy tests, we’re here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women who have been there.

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Why such a faint line

Anyone know why the line on my tests would be so faint? I have taken 4 and they’re not getting darker. So I’m starting to get worried.


False positive??

I tested on the test on the left but the T line appeared first with a faint line before the urine reached the C line then the c line appeared. Then retested again with the one on the right showing a negative. Thoughts?? Is it a false positive or real?


Evap lines

Wondering if anyone has taken a test which has a second line but so faint it looks like a evap line but it was acc positive? How long does it take to form a evap line after testing? If it came up straight away would it still be a evap line?


Is this positive?

I put a clear blue test up last week and there was a small shadow. I was advised to take a red dye test a week later and see what this positive? *Edit - I have a 4 month old! So this will be 2 under 2!!*


Rh negative

So I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2, I’m 0 negative blood type, my daughter was a positive baby, I did have a couple of bleeds whilst pregnant with her 3 years ago now, I had the anti d injection, I’m just wondering if this baby will be classed as a high risk pregnancy? I’m only 4-5 weeks pregnant...


So confused.

Help please! Taken in 3 minutes even though you can wait 10 mins with these. My pink dye is negative? I’m 5 days late. Thought i was having a chemical pregnancy :/


Is this evaporation or positive

Help please! Taken in 3 minutes even though you can wait 10 mins with these. My pink dye is negative? I’m 5 days late. Thought i was having a chemical pregnancy :/



I’m 5 weeks + 3 days pregnant - I had 10 positive tests over the course of a week and now I’ve got what I think is implantation spotting, I’ve had it for 2 days so far but when I tested yesterday the test was negative? I’m so confused - have I had a chemical pregnancy? Or does hcg drop during implantation? Was it fl...


10 dpo

You know when you get the feeling a test isn’t AS negative as the negatives that have come before 😅 Think I’m delusional but will take another tomorrow if my period doesn’t arrive by then (due tomorrow)


Positive or Negative?

Hey girls, I took a pregnancy test this morning and I don’t know if this is positive as I can see a faint line? Or am I just seeing it? I will take another test on Monday so maybe it’s more stronger and I might be testing early.


Digital pregnancy test says negative but I opened it and it looks like this ( brand is clear blue )

My last period was January 26th….I missed my period in February and idk been feeling weird, nauseous af, so sensitive to smells, so tired…..the list goes on…..problem is I’m 4 months postpartum and ya me and my husband have been not been “safe” 😂 so ya….this wasn’t really an accident and I really hope it’s positive…


No period negative test

I’m currently 13 days late, period was due on the the 8th. There are absolutely no signs of a period coming and I’ve tested multiple times this week all tests are clearly negative! What should I do?


Positive test

Is this test dark enough for 21 DPO?


Missed Period/Neg. test.

Does anyone have any idea why Ive got a missed period and took 3 pregnancy test, all negative. My lower right side is a little painful but not unbearable. Just uncomfortable. almost like a cramp on one side but it comes and goes. 2 yrs pp if that matters. and im now 9 days late on my period TIA💕


Line eyes or not?😬

I’m almost certain that this is a positive and I’ve got loads of symptoms with this but not due on for another four days so it’s super early still I used an ultra early test


Advice on test?

Positive test or evap line? Test from first thing this morning. Don’t want to get my hopes up 😢 11 DPO. Took a test yesterday and was negative. Took another one at lunch and can see a very faint line I think.

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