Whatever you need to know about pregnancy tests, we’re here for you. Discover expert advice and real stories from real women who have been there.
I took this test yesterday and the line came up in less than a minute the timer was not even at 2 minutes yet when it showed up
Also I took pregnant test apart start go away after I open it wipe with my thumb. Has to be negative ?
Hey girlies!! I got my first very faint positive test 9DPO (yesterday) tested again today the line is there but still quite faint. This is my second pregnancy 🤰🏻 with my first pregnancy I took a digital and it came up positive and 1-2wks. (We weren’t trying at that time and I just was feeling funny) this time…
Is it possible to get a positive digital and not be pregnant? I took 2 of them and both are positive
Just got a positive... my last period lasted from the 11th December to 27th.. yes its long but that's just what I deal with lol i got a peak on the 31st then another on the 3rd of January so im between 14 dpo and 11 dpo... took a cheap test first and it cane back positive as soon as the dye got to it so got a clear ...
Has anyone ever had a very strong negative pregnancy test and then tested positive a day or so later! I’m 8dpo and very negative at mo and not sure if I’m out!
I’m so emotional right now I just took a test today bc my period was a day late My daughter just turned 2 years old this week I’m so scared and I cried My 2 year old is everywhere and is into everything Cries all the time Won’t behave in stores/restaurants She also doesn’t want to sleep at night and stays awak...
Hey all! So I baby danced before/during and after ovulation and a few days ago had some spotting for like 15ish hours? Before bed and after wake up... now I'm a day late for period but I tested negative is it to late to turn to a positive or is there still a chance? I ovulated January 1st had spotting on January 7...
I got a super faint positive this morning with a FRER, but I tested a couple hours later with a clear blue digital, and it was negative. Has that happened to anyone before? Am I pregnant?
So I’m 7 dpo and tested negative this morning, it’s a very strong negative and I don’t feel anything so will the strong negative would that mean it’s mostly likely negative?
I did a test around an hour ago I thought it was “ invalid” as there was a line on the t section but nothing on the control side. Totally forgot about it then went back to it about 40 mins later and there was two lines? Would this be positive or still “invalid” Other test photo in comment section
The little test line was very faint last week. After several miscarriages was cautious to even think. But after a full week of being late, the line has gotten darker :). When do I call me doctor to make an appointment. I know I don’t see them till 8-10 weeks. But do I call now? It’s only 4 weeks?
Ladies I need advice…I have done a pregnancy test as boobs feel a bit sore, I am due on. I peed on the test, It came back positive! I was in shock, I’ve gone to the shop, bought two more, peed in a cup and dipped them both (same wee) both came back negative. What are the chances of a false positive? The second wee ...
Does anyone know what the normal range for hcg levels are? Found out im pregnant and I'm being tested for 2 days. I just dont no if the levels are within normal range. My blood hcg levels started at 548 on the 8th of January, on the 10th of January they are now 1045. I've been tested again today but I haven't gott...
Is 16 days too earlier for it to pick up pregnant ?
Hey, I’m 3 days late and still have a negative test. I’m sure I see a faint line, veerrryyyy faint though, barely visible more of a “vibe”. It hasn’t progressed… I’m wondering if I have major line eyes OR if anyone has been three days late and tested somewhat negative and ended up pregnant???
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