Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

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I’ve asked a couple people but I could use a few more opinions

I took a couple tests and I was told depending on the brand the negatives can be wrong especially because I’ve gotten multiple positives, please let me know what yall think


Positive LH?

Please let me know if this result would be considered positive or not. Taken late morning on May 10, 2024.


Positive LH?

Not sure if this counts as positive or not. Please let me know what you think!


Positive digital negative dye

I did a digital that is positive but the blu dye one it’s not 😟 wtf



So I’m 2 weeks and 1 day since I ovulated and had sex.. I’ve done a couple of tests one I did today as my period is a no show but they have been negative. Should I presume I’m not pregnant and expect my period. I’m impatient 🙈🤣 has anyone been in this position? Thanks x.


Am I crazy?? Two lines on both First Response tests?!

Okay i totally thought these were negative since i took the hcg one first and it was a fat nope for two lines. But i also took two different first response tests because my period is a day late (it’s NEVER a day late). Does it not count since I looked 2.5-3 hours after instead of in the few minutes??? Ahhh im going ...


Update on my retest

I was very doubtful even tho many of you said it was positive so I took a digital🥲


Can a faint positive pregnancy test be the result or anything to do with perimenopause.

Given my age , I've been getting vvf positive pregnancy tests for past 3 weeks . Could it be because of perimenopause ,don't know much about it 🤔 had some bleeding on 11th March for 2 days then nothing . Still getting faint positives . Waiting to get doctors appointment so just thought I would ask on here . Hoping…


Not sure if pregnant or not 😭😭

Someone tell me if this could be a false positive 😭 I just gave birth almost a year ago and the year before I’m hoping I’m not pregnant but who knows how life is



Period due in 2 days. Don't want to get hopes up


Positive or indent?

Came up straight away in the time frame?


Conflicting test results

So I’ve taken both of these tests this morning, with the first wee I did the standard test (a clear & simple early response) I wasn’t sure if I could see a line so I took the clear blue test after which says ‘not pregnant’ Has anyone experienced this, and what was the outcome? I’m so confused 😕


2 under 2 😬😬

I’m 22 with a 7 month old and have just tested positive… I haven’t even had a period yet! has anyone got two under two? How am I supposed to do it??? Also. If the test says 2-3 does that mean I’d be 2-3 weeks pregnant? I’m not sure how this works as my last period was December 2022 Pic of my test


Short cervix and UTI

Hi! I was diagnosed with short cervix at my Anatomy scan (24mm), after which I was prescribed progesterone. In the scan after a week I was doing good and stable at 25mm but a follow up scan yesterday showed it decreased to 19mm. They sent me for follow up tests and I tested positive for UTI. Could this be the reason...


Smear test positive

I have just got a HPV positive result on my smear test, low grade dyskaryosis and been referred for a colposcopy, this might stupid but does that mean I have an sti or is it different? What exactly does this mean?


Could I ask some advice

Could I ask some advice please:: So I had a HCG blood test done 20dp5dt (fresh) and the results were 10767 HCG I am now 25dp5dt and I'm still testing every morning and testing strong positive (mainly dye stealers) My clinic don't provide HCG blood tests as standard, should I buy another one? Or is the HCG lev...



Hey new here first pregnancy complication just been posted through the door so apparently have low levels and I feel so stressed other screening results are fine but advised to take aspirin daily now never had any of this with my first but this is also a vanishing twin pregnancy and the results thrown off by the sec...


Positive or no?

Hi loves do you think this is a positive result? The line is very pale so I’m not sure and the 2 I’ve taken are like that


Positive test early

Has anyone had an early positive test like 5dpo?! I’m so early in the two week wait but really want to test!?


Negitive then positive

I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning (not with my first morning urine) and it was positive, we wanted to test again so I took another one with my second morning urine (I didn’t know there was more tests bought) and they’re negative.


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