Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.


Leaning towards negative but I have line eyes and practically go crossed eyes trying to read them😅🥲😂


Is it possible?

Is it possible to get a positive pregnancy before implantation?!?


Rhesus negative blood 🩸

Hi, I found out today that I have rhesus negative blood and I’m quite anxious about it. What everyone’s experiences like with having rhesus negative blood ?


Please help a girl out 🩷

Do you see lines? - I have had 2 losses. My last one being 27th February at 9 weeks. We weren’t trying and thought I was being careful as mentally wasn’t ready to try again. I know HCG can stay in your system for up to or a bit over a month after a loss but I did test negative. Am I seeing lines on these first resp...


Evap lines or possible early positive??? Thoughts?!

Hi all, took three blue dye tests and got these same very faint lines but only after the 10 minute window had passed. Has anyone had that before and then had them turn into positives a few days later? Or do you think these could be evap lines and are negative? My red dye tests taken the same day were stark negative....


Negative or invalid??

I've never seen a test do this



This is a positive right????? The line has colour?? It can’t be a false positive can it??


Does anyone else see a faint blue line on these tests or is it just me??

I took three tests with the blue dye and each of them were negative but about 20 minutes later had this super faint looking blue line like this. Does anyone think these are evaporation lines or possible early positives? Or just nothing at alll? Haha after taking so many tests it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s...


Genetic Testing

Hi guys! I’d like to understand more about genetic testing and want to understand how many of you actually had it done at Kaiser. Is there a chance for false positive? How safe is the next step in the process if the test turns out to be positive? Thanks in advance


Positive test?

I missed my periods a week ago. This is the resilt is this positive?


Clear blue 6 days early

Has anyone ever used this and got a negative but ended up pregnant? Says 75% get results by 6 days early but I’m not sure as I don’t actually know anyone who has used these


Negative right?

I’m super early, so it’s most likely negative, but I can convince myself there’s a shadow if I look at it long enough 🫠


Pregnant or not?

I’ve taken at least 10 tests, 5 positive and 5 faint/negitive, most of the positives were on blue dye tests but since I’ve been doing them, the lines have gotten darker, 1 positive was on a cheap test, and most of my negatives/VERY faint lines are on pink dye tests, I’m confused on why my lines are getting darker on...


13dpo is this a positive?

I’m 13dpo and I can see a vfl on a clear blue and FRER.


Evap line ?

I’ve just taken this test with my first morning wee and it has come up like this, it’s also with in the window period , is this an evap line as it looks to thin to me to be a early positive


Trying for baby no2 and thought I was out the game

So bit of back story we are trying for baby no2 (with our 1st we fell straight away text book pregnancy tested positive at 10dpo) this time around it's our 1st time again and I tested negative at 10dpo and 11 dpo and just thought that's it I'm not pregnant however come last night I had slight spotting brownish and p...



I had my first ultrasound for my second pregnancy last Thursday, the baby looked good the heartbeat was perfect and I got bloodwork done. 2 days later my blood work results came in and my doctor called me the moment the office opened to tell me that my HIV test came back reactive abnormal! He told me he were to send...


Is this positive or indent line?

Just took a test as i had spotting at the start of this week and then it stopped and then my period is late. I have such bad skin all of a sudden and my boobs are very achy. This came up in the first 3 mins. Is it a positive or indent line?


A little worried.. 5 weeks 1 day

I feel like my test today is lighter than previous, I don’t know if I’m just paranoid as I’ve got next to no symptoms, or if it’s lighter because I’m consciously drinking more.


Evaporation Line or Positive??

I’m on contraception (the pill) and have had withdrawal bleeding on my break so didn’t think anything of it. But have been feeling really rough the last week or so, so thought I would test. Both tests came up negative when they were first done, but both after a few hours have developed a second line. Is this a posit...


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