Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

A little worried.. 5 weeks 1 day

I feel like my test today is lighter than previous, I don’t know if I’m just paranoid as I’ve got next to no symptoms, or if it’s lighter because I’m consciously drinking more.


Evaporation Line or Positive??

I’m on contraception (the pill) and have had withdrawal bleeding on my break so didn’t think anything of it. But have been feeling really rough the last week or so, so thought I would test. Both tests came up negative when they were first done, but both after a few hours have developed a second line. Is this a posit...


Help is this early positive??

So confused not due my period for 2 weeks and I’ve done this


thyroid issues

So I went yesterday to have test done and they are thinking it’s my thyroid. I go back Monday to have a full penal done to confirm if it is. If you had issues with it once it was fixed how early did you get pregnant after. Or what all did they do to help once it came back it was messed up


Regular blood tests 🩸

Hey girls Has anyone had to have regular blood test I got a call today and been advised I need to have a blood test every month till I’m 28 weeks then every 2 weeks till I labour 😮 they said they found some higher anti d (I don’t even remember what she said) but I did advise her I had my 2nd baby in January and I…


Clearer today

Tested yesterday but it was faint but it’s very clear today I am so happy, we have been trying for 15months now And finally a good result Thanks for the support and I will be needing more now 🙈🙈🥰🥰


Ladies 2 days late

Hello my period was due yesterday and hasn’t shown up yet , I had dry pale pink blood yesterday and the day before but then it stopped and had no period since and I’ve tested all tests are negative so far !! How long after pink spotting did people get periods


I had wierd string discharge with some blood yesterday just one wipe and nothing . A little spotting of light pink this morning. I took this dollar test

Is it positive or an indent line ??


Am I seeing things?!

I can see something on one test but not the other, or is it just me?!! Help!! 11 dpo


Do u think it’s positive?

Faint line come up with the time frame pink in person hard for the camera to pick it up what do you think?


Positive ?

Period is due in 4 days it looks so hard to see but I KNOW I see two lines someone help


Confused 😭

Has Anyone tested 4 days before their period & got a negative? But ended up with a positive later on


Positive… or evap / indent ?

I took this, this morning and the line come up as I was watching the test… I then drunk some water had few more wees, decided to go get another test, I brought Asda own but it come back negative? I did notice my urine was like water colour. Now I’m not sure what to think. I don’t wanna get excited yet but deep down ...


Positive & Negative tests

So I took a clear blue digital test on 4th in the morning and it said 1-2weeks. Took another one today 6th at 11:05 and it’s said not pregnant. What’s happening I’m confused. Help please.


7dpo today

I know it’s too early to test but I caved and done one anyway and obviously it’s negative. What’s the earliest you tested positive after an early negative? So disheartening but I know it’s too early!


POS or neg?

Period due in 2 days. Ttc for baby 2. I see something but have line eyes😩 Test taken tonight 5/5/24



I know that this is positive, but we just started trying. Is there any way that this is a false positive? It is faint and not a whole line. I’m freaking out and not thinking clearly. Someone please reassure me.😅


Period due Tuesday

Just woke up and decided to take one I have an almost 6 month old wondering if this is an early positive or if they are indents they are within time frame second test in comments



When did you guys get a positive line/test? How many days before period and after period



Did anyone take a pregnancy test on the day of missed period and it was negative and then few days later it became positive? Any stories


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